1. 工程知识:掌握高分子材料与工程专业所需的数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识,能够应用上述知识解决高分子材料设计、合成制备、加工成型与应用的复杂工程问题。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学、自然科学和工程科学的基本原理识别和表达对高分子材料及其制品性能产生影响的材料组成、结构、生产工艺及相关设备等复杂工程问题,并通过文献研究分析,以获得有效结论。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:能够针对高分子材料在生产加工及性能调控过程中的复杂工程问题提出解决方案,开发设计满足特定需求的工艺流程和先进高分子材料产品,能够在设计环节中体现创新意识,并综合考虑社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素。
4. 研究:能够基于科学原理,采用科学方法对高分子材料研发、生产加工过程中的复杂工程问题进行研究,具备实验设计、实验实施、产品检测、数据分析的能力,并能综合相关信息得到合理有效的结论。
5. 使用现代工具:能够针对高分子材料的设计、合成、成型加工等复杂工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代信息技术工具和工程工具,能够对相关复杂工程问题进行预测与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。
6. 工程与社会:了解高分子材料制备、生产及成型加工环节相关的法律法规,基于高分子材料相关工程背景知识,能够对工程实践方案进行合理分析,评价高分子材料工程实践和复杂工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。
7. 环境和可持续发展:针对高分子材料自身特点,具有较强的环境保护和可持续发展的意 识,能够理解和评价针对复杂材料工程问题的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。
8. 职业规范:具有家国情怀、人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在高分子材料与工程实践中理解并遵守工程职业道德和规范,履行责任。
9. 个人和团队:具备团队协作能力,理解多学科背景下团队的意义和作用及团队中每个角色的定位与责任,能够在团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。
10. 沟通:能够与国内外领域同行及社会公众围绕高分子材料与工程的问题进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令,并具备一定的国际视野和跨文化背景下的学习、沟通和交流能力。
11. 项目管理:理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,具有工程实习经历,并能在解决复杂高分子材料合成、加工和工程应用等多学科环境中应用。
12. 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
课程类别 | 建议学分 |
通识通修课程 | 84学分 |
学科专业课程 | 88学分 |
合计学分 | 172学分 |
个性发展课程 | 建议修读6学分左右 |
素质拓展课程 |
引进外方 课程门数 | 21 | 总课程门数 | 53 | 占比 | 39.6% |
引进外方 专业核心课程门数 | 18 | 总专业核心 课程门数 | 25 | 占比 | 72% |
外方教师承担的专业核心课程的门数 | 18 | 总课程门数 | 53 | 占比 | 34% |
外方教师承担的专业核心课程的学时数 | 1016 | 总课程学时数 | 2974 | 占比 | 34.2% |
(一) 通识通修课程 84学分
1. 通识课程
(1)审美与艺术类 4学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 | 备注 |
U30G11001 | 大学美育 | 2 | 32 | 必修 |
U30G11002 | 艺术导论 | 2 | 32 | 限选 | 艺术史论类 |
UQMG11008 | 科学与艺术 | 1 | 16 |
U30G11007 | 戏剧鉴赏 | 2 | 32 | 戏剧戏曲类 |
U30G11008 | 戏曲鉴赏 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11022 | 京剧艺术呈现 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11034 | 戏剧与时代精神 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11035 | 电影艺术与戏剧创作 | 1 | 16 |
U30G21004 | 戏剧表演与实践 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11011 | 中国文艺之美 | 1 | 16 | 文学类 |
U30G11005 | 影视鉴赏 | 2 | 32 | 影视类 |
U30G11018 | 影像中国—纪录片与跨文化传播 | 2 | 32 |
U30G21002 | 自媒体创作与艺术实践 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11021 | 壁画艺术工作坊 | 2 | 32 | 美术类 |
U30G11023 | 唐代壁画艺术 | 2 | 32 |
U30G21003 | 艺术的启示 | 1 | 16 |
U30G21005 | 线的艺术 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11004 | 美术鉴赏 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11036 | 古诗词艺术歌曲赏析 | 2 | 32 | 音乐类 |
U30G11037 | 电影中的古典音乐鉴赏 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11038 | 音乐人文诠释 | 2 | 32 |
U30G11009 | 舞蹈鉴赏 | 2 | 32 | 舞蹈类 |
U30G11025 | 图形艺术与创意思维 | 2 | 32 | 艺术设计类 |
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
| 文明与科技类课组 | 6 | 96 | 限选 |
创新创业类课组 |
管理与领导力类课组 |
全球视野类课组 |
生态与可持续发展类课组 |
写作与沟通类课组 |
2. 公共基础课程
(1)思想政治理论类 18学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
U44G11035 | 思想道德与法治 | 2.5 | 40 | 必修 |
U44G11037 | 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 | 2.5 | 40 |
U44G11036 | 中国近现代史纲要 | 2.5 | 40 |
U44G11034 | 马克思主义基本原理 | 2.5 | 40 |
U44G11023 | 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 | 3 | 48 |
U44G11013 | 形势与政策(1) | 0.5 | 8 |
U44G11014 | 形势与政策(2) | 0.5 | 8 |
U44G11015 | 形势与政策(3) | 0.5 | 8 |
U44G11016 | 形势与政策(4) | 0.5 | 8 |
U44G21001 | 思政实践课 | 2 | 32 |
U44G11003 | 中共党史 | 1 | 16 | 限选 (至少修读 1学分) |
U44G11005 | 改革开放史 | 1 | 16 |
U44G11011 | 社会主义发展史 | 1 | 16 |
U44G11012 | 新中国史 | 1 | 16 |
(2)军事类 4学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
U34G11005 | 军事理论 | 2 | 36 | 必修 |
U34P41002 | 军事技能训练 | 2 | 120 | 必修 |
(3)体育与健康类 6学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
U34G11004 | 老员工心理健康教育 | 2 | 32 | 必修 |
| 体育 (具体项目课程详见体育部当学期开设课程) | 4 | 144 | 限选 |
(4)安全教育类 1学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
USCG11001 | 国家安全概论 | 1.5 | 24 | 限选 |
U65G11002 | 急救知识与技能 | 0.5 | 8 |
UOCG11006 | 解码国家安全 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11007 | 人文与医学 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11008 | 健康导航与科学用药 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11032 | 老员工国家安全教育 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11033 | 生命安全与救援 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11034 | 食品安全与日常饮食 | 1 | 16 |
UOCG11035 | 移动互联网时代的信息安全与防护 | 1 | 16 |
UOCG11036 | 大国兵器 | 1.5 | 24 |
UOCG11037 | 现场生命急救知识与技能 | 0.5 | 8 |
UOCG11038 | 走近核科学技术 | 0.5 | 8 |
UOCG11039 | 辐射与防护 | 1 | 16 |
UOCG11075 | 兵棋 | 1 | 16 |
UOCG11076 | 海上作战与三十六计 | 1 | 16 |
UOCG11077 | 全球卫生导论 | 0.5 | 8 |
UOCG11080 | 实验室安全与防护 | 1 | 16 |
(5)语言类 8学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
UQMG12211/ QXU3103 | 科学工程英语概论 | 4 | 64 | 必修 |
QXU3104 | 科学工程英语应用 | 4 | 64 | 必修 |
(6)数学与自然科学类 37学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
NXC3000 | 高等数学1 | 5.5 | 88 | 必修 |
NXC3004 | 高等数学2 | 5.5 | 88 | 必修 |
NXC3002 | 线性代数 | 3 | 48 | 必修 |
NXC3005 | 数学建模与计算 | 4 | 64 | 必修 |
NXC3001 | 大学物理 | 5 | 82 | 必修 |
QXU4004 | 工程化学 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
NXC4012 | 工程力学 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
NXC4122 | 热力学和流体力学 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU5010 | 表面与界面 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
(二)学科专业课程 88学分
(1)大类平台课程 10.5学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
QXU3112 | 专业工程技能学术培养 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
UQMM12220/QXU4112 | 专业工程技能发展培养 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
UQMM12230/QXU5112 | 专业工程技能应用培养 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
(2)学科基础课程 14学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
QXU4016 | 工程设计方法 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU4015 | 工程材料 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU4000 | 材料学1-结构与性能 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU4006 | 材料学2-加工与应用 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
(3)专业方向课程 29学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
QXU4003 | 高分子化学 | 4 | 64 | 必修 |
QXU5032 | 高分子材料物理性能 | 4 | 64 | 必修 |
NXC5013 | 高分子表征 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
NXC5014 | 弹性体材料 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
NXC5028 | 高分子降解 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU5030 | 复合材料 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU6004 | 工程设计中的材料选择 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU6008 | 材料和可持续性 | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
(4)专业选修课 14.5学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
NXC6018 | 高分子成型 | 4 | 64 | 限选 |
NXC6026 | 高分子失效 | 4 | 64 | 限选 |
QXU6028 | 高分子器件 | 3 | 48 | 限选 |
QXU6033 | 先进高分子化学 | 3.5 | 56 | 限选 |
(5)实践实训 10学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
QXU4007 | 材料学实验I | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
QXU5017 | 材料学实验II | 3.5 | 56 | 必修 |
NXC0001 | 科研训练 | 1 | 16 | 必修 |
NXC0002 | 生产实习 | 2 | 80 | 必修 |
(6)毕业设计/论文 10学分
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
QXU6040 | 高分子专业毕业设计 | 10 | 160 | 必修 |
A. 科学素养类课程:包含三航概论、环境、生物等自然科学。
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
NXC1004 | 计算机基础 | 1 | 16 | 任选 |
NXC1011 | 工程素养-工程基础实践 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1012 | 工程素养—智能机器人系统教学与创新实践 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
B. 经管法类课程:包含经济、管理、法学等。
C. 人文素养类课程:包含哲学、伦理、历史、文化、语言、文学、社会、审美、人生与发展等。
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
NXC1010 | 科技英语文献写作 | 1.5 | 24 | 任选 |
NXC1008 | 西方哲学史 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
D. 艺术素养类课程:
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
UQML21009 | 葡萄酒文化与艺术品鉴 | 1 | 16 | 任选 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
UQML11006 | 生物化学 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
UQML11005 | 分析化学 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1005 | 无机化学 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1006 | 基础有机化学 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1007 | 物理化学 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1013 | 量子力学导论 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
NXC1014 | 仪器分析 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
课程编码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 学时 | 课程性质 |
NXC1015 | 人工智能时代的材料设计与优化 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
UQML11007 | 固体物理学导论 | 2.5 | 40 | 任选 |
UQMM11008 | 高聚物结构与性能 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
UQMG11001 | 燃料电池概论 | 1 | 16 | 任选 |
UQML11009 | 极端环境下材料的服役特性 | 2 | 32 | 任选 |
UQML21010 | 学习技能提升 | 1 | 16 | 任选 |
UQMM11001 | 材料科学与工程进阶 | 1.5 | 24 | 任选 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识通修课程 | 思想政治 理论类 | U13G11012 | 思想道德与法治 | 必修 | 2.5 | 40 | 思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大一学年秋季学期修读。 |
U44G11013 | 形势与政策(1) | 必修 | 0.5 | 8 |
军事类 | U34G11005 | 军事理论 | 必修 | 2 | 32 |
U34P41002 | 军事技能训练 | 必修 | 2 | 120 |
体育与健康类 | U34G11004 | 老员工心理健康 教育 | 必修 | 2 | 32 |
详见当学期开设课程 | 体育专项课 | 限选 | 1 | 32 | 1.本课程包括课内36学时、课外20学时,课程名称详见体育部开课清单; 2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课、4学时体育理论课; 3.课外20学时,包括16学时身体素质课、4学时体质测试; 4.16学时身体素质课,每周一次1学时,时间为周一至周五下午16:00-16:45、16:55-17:40、19:00-19:45、19:55-20:40任一时间段; 5.员工APP长跑每周最多完成5次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),共计32次。 |
语言类 | UQMG12211/QXU3103 | 科学工程英语概论 | 必修 | 4 | 64 |
数学与自然 科学类 | NXC3000 | 高等数学I | 必修 | 5.5 | 88 |
NXC3001 | 大学物理 | 必修 | 5 | 82 |
NXC3002 | 线性代数 | 必修 | 3 | 48 |
安全教育类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 国家安全教育公共基础课 | 必修 | 1 | 16 | 修读不少于1学分的国家安全教育公共基础课程,具体课程清单详见学校相关通知。此外,每学年参加不少于1次(≥2学时)的国家安全教育专题教育。 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | QXU3112 | 专业工程技能学术培养 | 必修 | 1.5 /3.5 | 24 /56 | 为一学年 课程。 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥586/30 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识通修课程 | 思想政治 理论类 | U44G11001 | 中国近现代史纲要 | 必修 | 2.5 | 40 | 思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大一学年春季学期修读。 |
体育与健康类 | 详见当学期开设课程 | 体育专项课 | 限选 | 1 | 32 | 1.本课程包括课内36学时、课外4学时,课程名称详见体育部开课清单; 2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课、4学时体育理论课; 3.课外4学时,为4学时体质测试; 4.员工APP长跑每周最多完成5次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),共计32次。 |
审美与艺术类 | U30G11001 | 大学美育 | 必修 | 2 | 32 | 为限选课程,包含《大学美育》课程和八类限选课程组,共计4学分;其中,《大学美育》课程为必修,2学分;所有员工应在八类限选课程组中至少修读2学分。 |
详见当学期选课手册 | 教育部指定的八类限选课程组 | 限选 | 2 | 32 |
语言类 | QXU3104 | 科学工程英语应用 | 必修 | 4 | 64 |
数学与自然科学类 | NXC3004 | 高等数学II | 必修 | 5.5 | 88 |
NXC3005 | 数学建模与计算 | 必修 | 4 | 64 |
QXU4004 | 工程化学 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
创新 创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与 领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球 视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与 沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | QXU3112 | 专业工程技能学术培养 | 必修 | 2 /3.5 | 32 /56 | 为一学年 课程 |
学科基础课程 | QXU4015 | 工程材料 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥512/31 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识通修课程 | 思想政治理论类 | U44G11009 | 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 | 必修 | 3 | 48 |
U44G11014 | 形势与政策(2) | 必修 | 0.5 | 8 | 思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大二学年秋季学期修读。 |
U44G11003 | 中共党史 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 春秋学期均开课。限选课程,须在《中共党史》《新中国史》《改革开放史》《社会主义发展史》中至少选择修读一门,大二、大三学年修读完成,至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 | 新中国史 |
U44G11005 | 改革开放史 |
U44G11011 | 社会主义发展史 |
体育与健康类 | 详见当学期开设课程 | 体育专项课 | 限选 | 1 | 32 | 1.本课程包括课内36学时,课程名称详见体育部开课清单; 2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课、4学时体育理论课; 3.员工APP长跑每周最多完成5次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),共计32次。 |
创新创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 发展类 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | UQMM12220/QXU4112 | 专业工程技能发展培养 | 必修 | 1.5 /3.5 | 24 /56 | 为一学年课程。 |
学科基础课程 | QXU4016 | 工程设计方法 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
QXU4000 | 材料学1-结构与性能 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
专业方向课程 | QXU4003 | 高分子化学 | 必修 | 4 | 64 |
实践实训 | QXU4007 | 材料学实验I | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥376/22.5 |
个性发展课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识通修课程 | 思想政治理论类 | U44G11026 | 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 | 必修 | 2.5 | 40 |
U44G21001 | 思政实践课 | 必修 | 2 | 32 |
U44G11003 | 中共党史 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 | 新中国史 |
U44G11005 | 改革开放史 |
U44G11011 | 社会主义发展史 |
体育与健康类 | 详见当学期开设课程 | 体育专项课 | 限选 | 1 | 32 | 1.本课程包括课内36学时、课外4学时,课程名称详见体育部开课清单; 2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课、4学时体育理论课; 3.课外4学时体质测试; 4.员工APP长跑每周最多完成5次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),共计32次。 |
数学与自然科学类 | NXC4012 | 工程力学 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
NXC4122 | 热力学和流体力学 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
创新 创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与 领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球 视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与 沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | UQMM12220/QXU4112 | 专业工程技能 发展培养 | 必修 | 2/3.5 | 32/ 56 | 为一学年课程 |
学科基础课程 | QXU4006 | 材料学2-加工与应用 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
实践实训 | QXU5017 | 材料学实验2 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
合计 学时/学分 | ≥392/23.5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程 模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识通修课程 | 思想政治理论类 | U13G11007 | 马克思主义基本原理 | 必修 | 2.5 | 40 |
U44G11003 | 中共党史 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 至少修读1学分 |
U44G11005 | 改革开放史 |
U44G11011 | 社会主义发展史 |
U44G11012 | 新中国史 |
体育与健康类 |
| 体育 | 任选 |
| 获得X体育素质学分 |
数学与自然科学类 | QXU5010 | 表面与界面 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
创新 创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与 领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球 视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与 沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | UQMM12230/QXU5112 | 专业工程技能应用培养 | 必修 | 1.5/3.5 | 24/56 | 为一学年课程。 |
专业方向课程 | NXC5028 | 高分子降解 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
QXU5032 | 高分子材料物理性能 | 必修 | 4 | 64 |
NXC5013 | 高分子表征 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥328/20.5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
| U44G11015 | 形势与政策(3) | 必修 | 0.5 | 8 |
U44G11003 | 中共党史 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 至少修读1学分 |
U44G11005 | 改革开放史 |
U44G11011 | 社会主义发展史 |
U44G11012 | 新中国史 |
体育与健康类 |
| 体育 | 任选 |
| 获得X体育素质学分 |
创新 创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与 领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球 视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与 沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 大类平台课程 | UQMM12230/QXU5112 | 专业工程技能应用培养 | 必修 | 2/3.5 | 32/56 | 为一学年课程。 |
专业选修课 | QXU6033 | 先进高分子化学 | 限选 | 3.5 | 56 |
专业方向课程 | QXU6008 | 材料和可持续性 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
QXU5030 | 复合材料 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
NXC5014 | 弹性体材料 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
实践实训 | NXC1002 | 生产实习 | 必修 | 2 | 80 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥376/20.5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程 模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识 通修 课程 | 思想政治理论课 | U44G11016 | 形势与政策(4) | 必修 | 0.5 | 8 | 秋学期开课。大四秋季修读完成。 |
体育与健康类 |
| 体育 | 任选 |
| 获得X体育素质学分 |
创新 创业类 | 详见当年课程清单 | 创新创业类课程组 | 限选 | 1 | 16 | 本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与科技类 | 文明与科技类课程组 |
管理与 领导力类 | 管理与领导力类 课程组 |
全球 视野类 | 全球视野类课程组 |
生态与可持续 | 生态与可持续发展类课程组 |
写作与 沟通类 | 写作与沟通类课程组 |
学科专业课程 | 专业方向课程 | QXU6004 | 工程设计中的材料选择 | 必修 | 3.5 | 56 |
专业选修课 | NXC6018 | 高分子成型 | 限选 | 4 | 64 |
NXC6026 | 高分子失效 | 限选 | 4 | 64 |
QXU6028 | 高分子器件 | 限选 | 3 | 48 |
实践实训 | NXC0001 | 科研训练 | 必修 | 1 | 16 | 科研训练须通过学院认定,具体详见当学期通知。认识实习和自主实习不能认定为科研训练。 |
毕业设计(论文) | QXU6040 | 高分子专业毕业论文 | 必修 | 5/10 | 80/160 | 为一学年课程 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥352/21 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
课程模块 | 课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 课程属性 | 学分 | 学时 | 说明 |
通识 通修 课程 | 体育与健康类 |
| 体育 | 任选 |
| 获得X体育素质学分 |
学科专业课程 | 毕业设计(论文) | QXU6040 | 高分子专业毕业论文 | 必修 | 5/10 | 80/ 160 | 为一学年课程 |
合计学时/学分 | ≥80/5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) | 鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、学术深造类课程。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 | 鼓励员工主动参加思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、劳动实践和社会实践活动等。 |
总学时/学分合计:2974+X/172+X (最少满足3048/178) |
附注说明:课程代号QX为英方教师授课,NX为中方教师英文授课,U为教育部规定必修中文授课的军事理论课程及部分中文选修课程等 |
Polymer Materials Science and Engineering
Education Plan for 2024 Undergraduates
(QMUL Engineering School)
1. Programme outline
Polymer materials are at the cutting-edge inter-discipline of materials science and soft materials. It builds the development foundation of many scientific research and industries, such as new energy, sustainable development, bio-science, health and medicine, information technology, and intelligent manufacturing. As a popular programme for undergraduates, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering in Queen Mary University of London (hereinafter as QMUL) covers metals, ceramics, polymers, and composite with the involvement of chemistry, materials and engineering. It is one of the most influential and distinct programmes in QMUL, covering polymers, composites, metals and ceramics. We provide elite education and professional training for students with a thorough grounding in the structure of materials, the properties of materials, the performance of materials, the manufacturing processes and design, shaping and applications. It has been rated as 5-star programme by the British government for many times. A survey conducted by the National Union of Students in 2011 showed that it ranked top 1 in the UK. In the first three rounds of discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education of China, the Materials discipline at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) was ranked 9th, 6th, and 3rd respectively. In the fourth round, it received an 'A' rating, and in the fifth round, it achieved a significant breakthrough, positioning itself at the forefront of the top tier. It was selected twice, in 2017 and 2022, for inclusion in the national "Double First Class" initiative for discipline development, with its ESI discipline ranking entering the top 0.28%. NPU has 6 national-level platforms for scientific research and talent training.
QMES international faculty team comprises 105 teachers in total, with the 18 teachers from QMUL and 87 from NPU. Among the 18 teachers from QMUL, there is 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 6 senior lecturers, and 8 lecturers. Within the 87 teachers from NPU, there are 34 professors, 1 senior engineer, 48 associate professors/associate researchers, and 4 lecturers. Among them, there are 9 national-level talents and 3 provincial/ministerial-level talents. Out of all teachers, 85 have experience of studying or working abroad. The teaching staff are involved in 29 various educational reform projects, with 2 receiving the Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award and 7 others receiving awards for educational excellence from Queen Mary University of London, including special awards from the principal. There are 3 national-level leading talents, 3 national-level young talents, 3 elected as fellows of the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and 1 elected as a fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.
In order to learn from the advanced concept and model of training innovative undergraduate talents in British higher education and provide Chinese students with an authentic British-style higher education in their homeland, NPU and QMUL have launched a joint educational institution named Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter referred to as QMES), which was approved by the Ministry of Education of China. QMES, builds on the acknowledged expertise and experience of the two universities and their complementary research strengths in materials science, engineering, chemical and fully uses educational resource advantages and high-level international cooperation platforms of both universities to provide a high quality degree level education in the programme of Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (080407H). We draw on the academic expertise of both institutions and adopt an international teaching mode with curriculum system, teaching materials, and assessment methods from the UK. We aim to cultivate interdisciplinary leading talents who possess an international perspective and recognition of international rules in the field of engineering. With advanced materials and their preparation technology as the core, our programme integrates with the international frontiers of materials science and chemical engineering disciplines. We aim to nurture individuals with patriotism and social responsibility, as well as solid foundations in natural sciences, polymer materials and engineering, and humanities. Our graduates have strong professional competitiveness, high comprehensive competence, innovative consciousness and capabilities, and lifelong learning abilities.
1. Aims of the programme
Focused on the international academic forefront of materials science, committed to the progress of human civilization and the development of the materials science discipline, this programme aims to cultivate interdisciplinary leading talents with a strong sense of national pride and social responsibility, possessing a solid foundation in natural science, polymer materials and engineering, and humanities, and possessing the abilities of innovation and lifelong learning. We aim to develop interdisciplinary leading talents who can engage in design and development, manufacturing, engineering management, and scientific research in fields such as mechanical manufacturing, electronic information, telecommunications, computing, and biopharmaceuticals related to materials and chemical engineering. Students who have completed their studies will be able to pursue higher degrees and research within universities in China and internationally or careers in world famous enterprises and international organization.
(1) Humanistic Literacy
Graduates can accurately understand China's characteristics and compare them internationally, developing a comprehensive and objective understanding of modern China while engaging globally. They are familiar with international norms and have a broad global perspective. Graduates should possess good literacy in humanities, professional ethics, social responsibility, and environmental awareness, as well as a concept of sustainable development. They should be capable of handling their positions competently and actively serving their industries and society, becoming qualified constructors of socialist undertakings and reliable successors.
(2) Professional Competence
Graduates should possess the ability to proficiently apply specialized knowledge in their disciplines and utilize modern tools. They should demonstrate innovative spirit, with the capability to conduct scientific research, design, and development of new materials, technologies, and processes. Additionally, they should have engineering skills for equipment transformation and upgrading. They should be able to comprehensively analyze and research complex engineering problems in the field of advanced materials science and engineering, and propose solutions.
(3) Career Orientation
Graduates should be familiar with the current status and trends of industry development, and capable of participating in or independently engaging in material research, process design, technological development, market expansion, development planning, production, and business management in the field of advanced materials science and engineering. Graduates have the capability to pursue further studies at world-renowned universities or to work for globally renowned companies and international organizations.
(4) Social Skills
Graduates should have a high level of English proficiency, capable of proficiently reading professional English materials, engaging in professional writing, and technical communication in English. Graduates should have excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, and teamwork abilities. They are able to effectively collaborate in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary teams, playing a pivotal role as technical backbone or primary leaders.
(5) Self-development
Graduates should have innovative thinking, awareness, and capabilities, equipped with the ability to identify, analyse, and solve problems. They possess strong lifelong learning abilities, capable of continuously learning, adapting, and creating new ideas, methods, and products in ever-changing environments. In both learning and practice, they are brave in exploration and daring in innovation, driving technological innovation and social development.
2. Ideological education
Implement the fundamental task of establishing virtues and educating people, use the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to shape the soul and educate people, and strive to cultivate students to become chief engineers who embody patriotism, humility, pragmatism, inclusiveness, steady accumulation, and vigorous development, all while serving the nation. By making full use of the wide application and strong practical characteristics of polymer materials science and engineering, bridge the module knowledge to national major projects and personage deed through in-class and extracurricular diversified teaching methods, as well as new media carriers to strengthen the guidance of value and foster the ideological and political education through the whole process of teaching. It is necessary to not only make the teaching vivid, but also to make the process of ideological and political moral education concrete so as to convince people with reasonable facts. Guide teachers to align with human development and social progress, national strategies, and technological frontiers, delve into the education elements within the curriculum, and achieve a deep integration of education with professional teaching. Guide students to establish patriotism while teaching them solid professional knowledge in order to improve students' ideological and moral sentiments, enhance their sense of social responsibility and mission to serve the country and the people, as well as to improve their understanding of the relationship between individuals and society, individuals and nature, and to grasp the concepts and implications of engineering ethics and sustainable development.
3. Graduation Requirements (Core Abilities of Students)
4.1 Engineering Knowledge:students will master mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals, and professional knowledge required for Polymer Materials and Engineering. Students will have the ability to apply that knowledge to solve complex engineering problems in the design, synthesis, processing, and application of polymer materials.
(1) Students will have the ability to use the terminology of mathematics, natural science, and engineering science to express complex engineering problems in the field ofpolymer materials and engineering.
(2) Students will have the ability to establish and solve mathematical models for specific processes related to the preparation, processing, and application in the field of polymer materials and engineering.
(3) Students will have the ability to apply mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals, and professional knowledge to derive and analyse complex engineering problems in the field of polymer materials and engineering.
(4) Students will have the ability tocompare and synthesize engineering fundamentals and professional knowledge with mathematical modeling methods for solutions to complex engineering problems in the field of polymer materials and engineering.
4.2 Problem Analysis: students will have the ability to use the basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences to identify and express complex engineering problems of material composition, structure, production processes and related equipment of polymer materials and their products, obtaining effective conclusions through literature research and analysis.
(1) Students will have the ability in utilizing relevant scientific principles to identify and judge key issues in the synthesis, modification, moulding and processing, performance testing and engineering applications of polymer materials.
(2) Students will have the ability in refining and modelling complex engineering problems in the synthesis, modification, moulding and processing, performance testing and engineering applications of polymer materials, clarifying key stages and parameters.
(3) Students will have the ability in refining, analyzing and evaluate complex engineering problems in the field of polymer materials, rationalizing, optimizing and improving solutions.
(4) Students will have the ability to search and analyze literature, and apply effective information to solve complex engineering problems in the preparation, processing and application of polymer materials.
4.3 Design/Development of Solutions: students will have the ability to propose solutions to complex engineering problems in the production and processing of polymer materials and the regulation of their properties, developing designs for processes and advanced polymer products to meet specific needs, demonstrating innovation in the design process and considering social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors.
(1) Students will master relevant design/development principles, methods and techniques in the field of polymer materials, and understand factors affecting design objectives and technical solutions.
(2) Students will have the ability to design and develop solutions to complex problems in the field of polymer materials and select appropriate processing and equipment for specific needs.
(3) Students will have the ability to systematically integrate relevant processes in the preparation, processing and application of polymer materials, demonstrating a sense of innovation in solutions to complex engineering problems, and figuring out solutions under various constraints.
(4) Students will have the ability of taking safety, health, legal, cultural and environmental constraints into consideration during the design, development and solving of complex engineering problems in polymer materials.
4.4 Research: students will have the ability to conduct research based on scientific principles and using scientific methods on complex engineering problems in the process of research and development, production and processing of polymer materials, with abilities in experimental design, implementation, product testing, data analysis, and synthesizing relevant information to reach reasonable and effective conclusions.
(1) Students will have the ability to research and analyze complex engineering problems in the R&D and production of polymer materials using scientific methods based on fundamental principles and professional knowledge in natural sciences and materials fields, combined with literature review.
(2) Students will have knowledge in basic synthesis, characterization, moulding processing and performance testing methods and experimental operation skills, with the ability in choosing research methods and designing experimental programmes.
(3) Students will have the ability to build an experimental set-up or experimental platform, carrying out experiments safely, and collecting experimental data correctly according to the research programme and methods.
(4) Students will have the ability to analyze and interpret experimental results and synthesize information to reach reasonable and valid conclusions, and engage in interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research exploration.
4.5 Use of Modern Tools: Students will have the ability to develop, select and use appropriate technologies, resources, modern information technology tools and engineering tools for complex engineering problems in the design, synthesis, moulding and processing of polymer materials, predicting and simulating relevant complex engineering problems and understanding their limitations.
(1) Students will understand the working principles and methods of modern instruments, engineering tools, IT tools and simulation software commonly used in polymer materials and engineering field, understanding their application areas.
(2) Students will have the ability to select and use appropriate techniques, methods and modern tools to analyse, calculate and design the structure and properties of polymer materials, solving complex engineering problems in the preparation, processing and application of polymer materials.
(3) Students will have the ability to develop or select modern tools for the simulation and prediction of complex engineering problems in the preparation, processing and moulding, as well as in the structure and properties of polymer materials and their products, controlling parameters and regulating performance, understanding their limitations.
4.6 Engineering and Society: students will understand the laws and regulations related to the preparation, production and moulding processing of polymer materials, will have the ability in analyzing engineering practice scenarios based on a background knowledge of engineering related to polymer materials, evaluating the social, health, safety, legal, and cultural impacts of polymer materials engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems, and understanding the responsibilities involved.
(1) Students will have basic knowledge of technical standards, intellectual property rights, environmental safety, laws and regulations in the preparation, production and moulding process of polymer materials, and have the initial ability to deal with crises and emergencies.
(2) Students will have experiences in engineering and social practices related to polymer materials, and the ability in analyzing and evaluating the social, health, safety, legal and cultural impacts of polymer materials and engineering practices and solutions to complex engineering problems, as well as understanding the responsibilities to be assumed.
4.7 Environment and sustainable development: Have a strong awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development based on the characteristics of polymer materials, and be able to understand and evaluate the influences of engineering practices on complex material engineering problems to the environment and sustainable development of society.
(1) Know and understand the concept and connotation of environmental protection and sustainable development, understand policies and legal regulations related to environmental protection at the national and various levels; be capable of understanding and evaluating the impact of engineering practices on complex material engineering problems on the environment.
(2) Have strong sense of sustainable development, being aware of the national strategy of sustainable development. Correctly understand and evaluate the impact of engineering practices on complex engineering problems in the field of polymer materials on the sustainable development of society.
4.8 Professional ethics: Possess a sense of patriotism, humanities and social science literacy, and social responsibility. Capable of understanding and adhering to engineering professional ethics and standards in polymer materials and engineering practices, and also fulfilling responsibilities.
(1) Have a correct world view, outlook on life and values, possessing a sense of patriotism, humanistic knowledge, scientific literacy, and social responsibility.
(2) Understand the engineering professional ethics and norms of honesty, fairness andintegrity, and consciously abide them in engineering practices. Understand the responsibility of polymer materials and engineering professional engineers to the public's safety, health and welfare, and the ecological environment, and consciously fulfill duties in engineering practice.
4.9 Individual and team: Possess team collaboration abilities, understand the significance and role of teams in a multidisciplinary context ,and the positioning and responsibilities of each role in the team, capable of taking on the roles of an individual, team member, and leader within a team.
(1) Possess team spirit, understand the significance and role of team collaboration under multidisciplinary integration. Capable of effectively communicating with members of other disciplines within the team. Capable of working independently or in cooperation within the team.
(2) Understand the positioning and responsibilities of each role in the polymer materials research and development team, and production team.Actively take on the roles of an individual, team member, and leader within the team, collaborate with team members to complete tasks, possessing the ability to organise and manage a team.
4.10 Communication: Capable of effectively communicating and exchanging views on issues related to polymer materials and engineering with peers both domestically and internationally and with the general public, including writing reports, making statements, clearly expressing or responding to instructions, and possessing a certain international outlook and cross-cultural background learning, communication, and exchange abilities.
(1) Capable of accurately describing and clearly expressing complex engineering problems related to polymer materials engineering through drawings, reports, design manuscripts, speeches, and defences in both written and oral forms, understanding the differences in communication and exchange on complex engineering problems with industry peers and the general public.
(2) Possess strong language expression abilities and foreign language listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, capable of basic communication, exchange, and cooperation on the research, development, design, and application of polymer materials in a cross-cultural context, understanding domestic and international development trends, research hotspots in the field, understanding and respecting the differences and diversity of cultures around the world.
4.11 Project management: Understand and master the principles of engineering management and economic decision-making methods, have engineering practice experience, and apply them in solving complex synthesis, processing, and engineering application problems of polymer materials in a multidisciplinary environment.
(1) Have engineering practice learning experiences, understand and master important engineering management principles and economic decision-making methods involved in polymer materials engineering activities.
(2) Capable of applying related engineering management principles and economic decision-making methods in engineering activities in a multidisciplinary environment, using engineering management and economic decision-making methods in the process of designing and developing solutions in the field of polymer materials and engineering.
4.12 Lifelong learning: Possess the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning, with the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.
(1) Have good mental and physical health, Capable of recognising the necessity and importance of continuous learning, possessing the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning.
(2) Capable of continuously learning and adapting to the needs of personal and industry development, including the ability to understand complex engineering problems, analyse, summarise, and pose questions in the field of polymer materials and engineering.
4. Qualification and Degree Certificate
Official length of the programme: 4+0 years study in accordance with the credit management system, the maximum length of study shall not exceed 6 years.
Qualification and certificate: After students have successfully passed all modules and meet the graduation requirements of two universities, they will be awarded diploma by NPU, BEng degree by NPU, and BEng degree by QMUL.
5. Credits and Hours
Total credits:172+X credits
Type of module | Credits |
General education modules | 84 |
Technical discipline modules | 88 |
Total credits | 172 |
Personality Development Modules | X |
Extension practices |
6. Curriculum Structure and Credits
The total credits for the Polymer Materials and Engineering major (080407H) are 172, with a total study time of 2974 hours. The distribution of credits for the modules is as follows:
| Number of modules from QMUL introduced | 21 | Total number of modules | 53 | Percentage | 39.6% |
| Number of core modules from QMUL introduced | 18 | Total number of core modules | 25 | Percentage | 72% |
| Number of core modules taught by QMUL lecturers | 18 | Total number of modules | 53 | Percentage | 34% |
| Hours for core modules taught by QMUL lecturers | 1016 | Total hours for modules | 2974 | Percentage | 34.2% |
(General education modules and technical discipline modules: 172 credits;Personality Development Modules and extension practices : 6 credits)
7.1 General education modules 73.5 credits
1). General Studies modules
(1) Aesthetics and Art modules 4 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category | Note |
U30G11001 | College aesthetic education | 2 | 32 | Compulsory module |
U30G11002 | Art appreciation | 2 | 32 | Elective compulsory | Art history modules |
U30G12001 | The Path of Chinese Aesthetics(Eng) | 2 | 32 |
U30G11020 | Appreciation Course of Classical Poetry and Music | 2 | 32 | Music modules |
U30G11007 | Appreciation of Drama | 2 | 32 | Drama modules |
U30G11008 | Appreciation of Chinese Opera | 2 | 32 |
U30G11022 | Beijing opera | 2 | 32 |
U30G11016 | The beauty of Chinese literature and art | 2 | 32 | Literature modules |
U30G11005 | Film and Television Appreciation | 2 | 32 | Film and television modules |
U30G11018 | Video China-Documentary and Cross-cultural Communication | 2 | 32 |
U30G11021 | Mural Art Workshop | 2 | 32 | Art modules |
see the current semester modules |
| Dance modules |
see the current semester modules |
| Art design modules |
All students should take the compulsory module—college aesthetic education (2 credits) and at least 2 credits in the other eight elective compulsory modules designated by the Ministry of Education.
(2) Civilization and Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Management and Leadership, Global Perspectives, Ecology and Sustainable Development, Writing and Communication," each module worth 6 credits. Please refer to the module offerings for the current semester for specific details.
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
| Civilization and Technology | 6 | 96 | Elective |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ecology and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Note: Students can choose modules from one or more categories listed above and should take at less 6 credits. The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
2). Public Basic Modules
(1) Ideological and political theory modules 18 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
U13G11007 | Marxism General Principle | 2.5 | 40 | Compulsory |
U44G11004 | Fundamental of Mao Ze Dong Thoughts | 2.5 | 40 | Compulsory |
U44G11001 | Essentials of Chinese Modern History | 2.5 | 40 | Compulsory |
U13G11012 | Ethics and Fundamental of Law | 2.5 | 40 | Compulsory |
U44G21001 | Ideological and Political Practice | 2 | 32 | Compulsory |
U44G11013 | Situation and Policy(1) | 0.5 | 8 | Compulsory |
U44G11014 | Situation and Policy(2) | 0.5 | 8 | Compulsory |
U44G11015 | Situation and Policy(3) | 0.5 | 8 | Compulsory |
U44G11016 | Situation and Policy(4) | 0.5 | 8 | Compulsory |
U44G11009 | Outline of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New era | 3 | 48 | Compulsory |
U44G11003 | History of the Communist Party of China | 1 | 16 | Elective compulsory |
U44G11012 | History of the People's Republic of China | 1 | 16 |
U44G11005 | History of Reform and Opening Up | 1 | 16 |
U44G11011 | History of the Development of Socialism | 1 | 16 |
Students much take all compulsory modules listed in the above, in total 18 credits. Situation and Policy (1)(2)(3)(4) four modules must be taken in 4 academic years (Semester 1 to Semester 7) respectively with 8 hours (0.5 credit) in each year, in total 32 hours (2 credits). Students must choose to study at least one module from the modules "History of the Communist Party of China", "History of the People's Republic of China", "History of Reform and Opening Up" and "History of the Development of Socialism", and take at least 1 credit.
(2) Military modules 4 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
U34G11005 | Military Theory | 2 | 36 | Compulsory |
U34P41002 | Military Training | 2 | 120 | Compulsory |
(3) Sports and Mental health modules 6 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
U34G11004 | Students Mental Health Education | 2 | 32 | Compulsory |
| For specific programme modules, see the current semester modules offered by the Physical Education Department | 4 | 144 | Elective compulsory |
Physical Education is compulsory module in the first to the fourth semester, taking 1 credit every semester. Students can freely choose different modules according to their majors, physical conditions, interests and physical basis. Students must meet the 421X standard of school physical education qualification upon graduation, that is, complete 4 credits; students should be proficient in 2 sports skills and obtain a skill certificate (one of which is swimming); during the undergraduate period, students can study physical quality development module according to their personal interests and obtain X credits. Students are suggested to choose sports modules during first 4 semesters.
(4) National Security Education 1 credit
National security education is a compulsory public fundamental module with the requirements of attending no less than 1 credit (2 hours) in one academic year. The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
(5) Language modules 8 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
UQMG12211/QXU3103 | English for Science and Engineering | 4 | 64 | Compulsory |
QXU3104 | Communication in Science and Engineering | 4 | 64 | Compulsory |
(6) Mathematics and Natural Science 37 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
NXC3000 | Advanced Math 1 | 5.5 | 88 | Compulsory |
NXC3004 | Advanced Math 2 | 5.5 | 88 | Compulsory |
NXC3002 | Linear Algebra | 3 | 48 | Compulsory |
NXC3005 | Mathematical Modelling and Computing | 4 | 64 | Compulsory |
NXC3001 | General Physics | 5 | 82 | Compulsory |
QXU4004 | Engineering Chemistry | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
NXC4012 | Mechanical Modelling | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
NXC4122 | Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU5010 | Surfaces and Interfaces | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
7.2 Technical discipline Modules 88 credits
(1) Interdisciplinary Platform Modules 10.5 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
QXU3112 | Academic and Professional Engineering Skills | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
UQMM12220/QXU4112 | Developing Professional Engineering Skills | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
UQMM12230/QXU5112 | Business and Professional Skills in Engineering | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
(2) Discipline Elementary Modules 14 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
QXU4016 | Engineering Design Methods | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU4015 | Engineering Materials | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU4000 | Materials Science 1-structure and properties | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU4006 | Materials Science 2-processing and applications | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
(3) Discipline Core Modules 29 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
QXU4003 | Polymer Chemistry | 4 | 64 | Compulsory |
QXU5032 | Physical Properties of Polymers | 4 | 64 | Compulsory |
NXC5013 | Polymer Characterization | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
NXC5014 | Elastomer Materials | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
NXC5028 | Polymer Degradation | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU5030 | Composite Materials | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU6004 | Materials Selection in Engineering Design | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU6008 | Materials and Sustainability | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
(4) Discipline Elective Module 14.5 credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
NXC6018 | Polymer Processing | 4 | 64 | Elective compulsory |
NXC6026 | Failure of Polymers | 4 | 64 | Elective compulsory |
QXU6028 | Polymer Devices | 3 | 48 | Elective compulsory |
QXU6033 | Advanced Polymer Chemistry | 3.5 | 56 | Elective compulsory |
(5) Comprehensive Practice 10 credits
Students can participate in various forms of scientific research training including innovation and entrepreneurship programme and experiment, academic competition, and scientific research project. Students are also encouraged to participate in various forms of practice such as overseas practice, international internship, winter and summer schools. Education on labour replies on industrial practice (10 hours) and summer school (6 hours).
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
QXU4007 | Experiments in Materials 1 | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
QXU5017 | Experiments in Materials 2 | 3.5 | 56 | Compulsory |
NXC0001 | Scientific Research | 1 | 16 | Compulsory |
NXC0002 | Production Practice | 2 | 32 | Compulsory |
(6) Final project/Thesis for Graduation 10 Credits
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
QXU6040 | Polymer Project | 10 | 160 | Compulsory |
This project/thesis also supports education on labour with 16 hours to guide students to develop their labor habits and correct labor values.
7.3 Personality Development Modules (6 credits, at least 3 modules)
Students are encouraged to choose the modules taught in English and from the following categories based on their own development and interests.
(1) Comprehensive Literary Module
It is suggested that students should choose the modules taught in English from the following four categories. The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
A. Scientific literacy modules: subjects on natural science such as introduction to aeronautics, astronautics and navigation, environment, biology, etc.
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
NXC1004 | Fundamentals of Computer | 1 | 16 | Elective |
NXC1011 | Engineering Literacy-Basic Engineering Practice | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1012 | Engineering Literacy—Teaching and Innovative Practice of Intelligent Robot System | 2 | 32 | Elective |
Details of the above-mentioned modules offered each semester can be found in the course selection handbook for the respective semester. |
B. Modules on economics, management and law: including economy, management, legal education, etc.
C. Humanities modules: including philosophy, ethics, history, culture, language, literature, society, aesthetics, life and development, etc.
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
NXC1008 | History of Western Philosophy | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1010 | Scientific English Literature Writing | 1.5 | 24 | Elective |
Details of the above-mentioned modules offered each semester can be found in the course selection handbook for the respective semester. |
D. Art literacy modules:
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
UQML21009 | Wine Culture and Tasting Art | 1 | 16 | Elective |
Details of the above-mentioned modules offered each semester can be found in the course selection handbook for the respective semester. |
(2) Discipline Extension Module
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
UQML11006 | Biochemistry | 2 | 32 | Elective |
UQML11005 | Analytical Chemistry | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1005 | Inorganic Chemistry | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1006 | Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1007 | Physical Chemistry | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1013 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 2 | 32 | Elective |
NXC1014 | Instrumental Analysis | 2 | 32 | Elective |
Details of the above-mentioned modules offered each semester can be found in the course selection handbook for the respective semester. |
It includes all modules set up by other Schools and major categories.
(3) Advanced Academic Module
It includes general modules offered by the University and postgraduate modules. Credits beyond the ones required by the education plan of the programme can be included in this category.
Module Code | Module Name | Credit | Hour | Category |
NXC1015 | Interpersonal and Communication Skills | 2 | 32 | Elective |
UQML11007 | Introduction of Solid State Physics | 2.5 | 40 | Elective |
UQMM11008 | The Structure and Properties of Polymers | 2 | 32 | Elective |
UQMG11001 | Introduction to Fuel Cell | 1 | 16 | Elective |
UQML11009 | Service Characteristics of Materials Under Extreme Conditions | 2 | 32 | Elective |
UQML21010 | Improving Your Study Skills | 1 | 16 | Elective |
UQMM11001 | Advanced Materials Science and Engineering | 1.5 | 24 | Elective |
7.4 Extension Practices
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, labor Practice, social practice activities. The activities list will be published.