伦敦玛丽女王大学成立于1887年,现为罗素集团(英国在科研、教学及社会合作方面最优秀的24所大学组成的大学联盟)成员之一,在2014年英国卓越研究框架(REF)中排名第9,2017年教学卓越框架奖银奖、泰晤士报全世界国际化程度最高大学的排名中位列前25, 2019年QS世界大学排名119位。伦敦玛丽女王大学的生物医学工程专业在全英乃至全球享有盛誉,学校的医学院有200多年的历史,其工程学科是其最有影响力的学科专业之一,多次被英国政府评为5星级,2011年全国员工联合会发起的满意度调查结果排名全英第一。工程与材料科学学院主要围绕材料组织、结构、性能关系及材料设计、成型、应用等全流程为员工提供精英素质教育和卓越专业教育,从2008年至今,科研能力与水平始终占据英国前五位。
研究方向 |
主要研究 |
生物力学 |
1)肌骨运动系统生物力学 2)细胞分子生物力学 3)运动康复生物力学 |
生物材料表界面 |
1)生物材料表面修饰 2)生物材料表面结构和功能 3)生物材料表面与生物体系的相互作用 |
生物医学纳米技术 |
1)纳米粒子及其生物学效应 2)纳米药物递送系统 |
组织工程与再生医学 |
1)骨、软骨、皮肤组织工程 2)组织工程支架材料制备与评价 3)干细胞与再生医学 |
生物医学信息与医学影像 |
1)生物医学影像智能处理与分析 2)生理健康监测与评估 |
学位:员工完成全部培养环节并通过学位论文答辩后,将获得永利集团硕士研究生毕业证书、工学硕士学位证书及伦敦玛丽女王大学理学硕士学位证书(Master of Science)
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
学分 |
开课学期 |
修课要求 |
考核方式 |
M13G11001 |
中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 |
36 |
2 |
1, 2 |
必修 |
考试 |
M13G11002 |
自然辩证法概论 |
18 |
1 |
1 |
必修 |
考试 |
QXU7111 |
科学工程英语 |
54 |
3 |
1 |
必修 |
考试 |
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
学分 |
开课学期 |
修课要求 |
考核方式 |
NXC7103 |
数理统计 |
60 |
3 |
1 |
必修 |
考试 |
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
学分 |
开课学期 |
修课要求 |
考核方式 |
NXC7106 |
蛋白质工程 |
40 |
2 |
1 |
必修 |
考试 |
QXU7033 |
先进高分子合成 |
60 |
3 |
1 |
必修 |
考试 |
NXC7221 |
生物医学材料 |
40 |
2 |
2 |
必修 |
考试 |
NXC7222 |
生物力学 |
40 |
2 |
2 |
必修 |
考试 |
QLU7303 |
纳米材料和纳米医学 |
40 |
2 |
3 |
必修 |
考试 |
QLU7304 |
先进组织工程与再生医学 |
40 |
2 |
3 |
必修 |
考试 |
QLU7405 |
医学伦理 |
40 |
2 |
4 |
必修 |
考试 |
QLU7406QLU7407QLU7408 |
生物相容性科学(三选一) 或:医学工程师生理学(三选一) 或:化学与生物传感(三选一) |
40 |
2 |
4 |
必修 |
考试 |
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
学分 |
开课学期 |
修课要求 |
考核方式 |
QXU7211 |
专业工程方法 |
40 |
2 |
2 |
必修 |
考查 |
课程模块 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
学时/ 学分 |
考核分配 |
学时分配 |
各学期学时分配 |
考试√ |
考查√ |
讲课 |
实验 (上机) |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
公共课 |
公共课 |
M13G11001 |
中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 |
36/2.0 |
√ |
36 |
18/1.0 |
18/1.0 |
M13G11002 |
自然辨证法概论 |
18/1.0 |
√ |
18 |
18/1.0 |
QXU7111 |
科学工程英语 |
54/3.0 |
√ |
54 |
54/3.0 |
小计 |
108/6.0 |
基础理论 |
基础理论 |
NXC7103 |
数理统计 |
60/3.0 |
√ |
60 |
60/3.0 |
小计 |
60/3.0 |
专业核心 |
专业核心 |
NXC7106 |
蛋白质工程 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QXU7033 |
先进高分子合成 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
NXC7221 |
生物医学材料 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
NXC7222 |
生物力学 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7303 |
纳米材料和纳米医学 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7304 |
先进组织工程与再生医学 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7405 |
医学伦理 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7406 QLU7407 QLU7408 |
生物相容性科学(三选一) 医学工程师生理学(三选一) 化学与生物传感(三选一) |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
小计 |
340/17.0 |
综合素养 |
综合素养 |
QXU7211 |
专业工程方法 |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
小计 |
40/2.0 |
总学时/学分合计:548//28.0 |
附注说明:课程代码以Q开头为英方教师授课,以N开头为中方教师英文授课,以M开头为教育部规定必修中文授课的政治课程 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
授课教师 |
性别 |
职称 |
NXC7103 |
数理统计 |
周丙常 |
男 |
副教授 |
谢文贤 |
女 |
副教授 |
NXC7106 |
蛋白质工程 |
张辰艳 |
女 |
副教授 |
尹大川 |
男 |
教授 |
任丽 |
女 |
副教授 |
NXC7221 |
生物医学材料 |
卢婷利 |
女 |
教授 |
张连兵 |
男 |
教授 |
NXC7222 |
生物力学 |
杨鹏飞 |
男 |
副教授 |
续惠云 |
女 |
教授 |
李京宝 |
男 |
副教授 |
QXU7111 |
科学工程英语 |
Kathryn Richardson |
女 |
教授 |
QXU7033 |
先进高分子合成 |
Julien Gautrot |
男 |
副教授 |
QLU7303 |
纳米材料和纳米医学 |
GlebSukhorukov |
男 |
教授 |
QLU7304 |
先进组织工程与再生医学 |
Tina Chowdhury |
女 |
副教授 |
QLU7405 |
医学伦理 |
David Lee |
男 |
教授 |
QLU7406 |
生物相容性科学 |
Karin Hing |
女 |
副教授 |
QLU7407 |
医学工程师生理学 |
Pankaj Vadgama |
男 |
教授 |
QLU7408 |
化学与生物传感 |
Steffi Krauss |
女 |
副教授 |
QXU7211 |
专业工程方法 |
Yousef Zawahreh |
男 |
副教授 |
序号 |
姓名 |
性别 |
职称 |
研究方向 |
1 |
尹大川 |
男 |
教授 |
生物材料;强磁场效应;蛋白质结晶;蛋白质材料 |
2 |
商澎 |
男 |
教授 |
磁生物学/空间生物学 |
3 |
骞爱荣 |
女 |
教授 |
肌骨系统生物力学、骨代谢疾病表观遗传学及核酸药物、以及特种环境人机功效学与健康工程 |
4 |
卢婷利 |
女 |
教授 |
纳米生物材料及其应用、3D生物打印、生物材料表界面 |
5 |
师俊玲 |
女 |
教授 |
纳米材料的微生物合成与应用 |
6 |
杨慧 |
女 |
教授 |
干细胞增殖、分化调控,细胞-分子生物力学,生物材料与组织工程 |
7 |
续惠云 |
女 |
教授 |
运动系统(力)生物学、特殊环境生物学 |
8 |
戚震辉 |
男 |
教授 |
含硒抗氧化蛋白化合物、微生物腐蚀与防护 |
9 |
张连兵 |
男 |
教授 |
纳米酶的设计、合成、催化机制以及应用研究 |
10 |
郭雷 |
男 |
教授 |
医学影像分析、脑功能成像分析 |
11 |
尚利 |
男 |
教授 |
多功能荧光纳米探针的开发、纳米生物效应的原位研究 |
12 |
文丹 |
女 |
教授 |
电化员工物传感的开发 |
13 |
牛卫宁 |
男 |
教授 |
生物催化合成药物中间体;医疗诊断用酶的制备 |
14 |
施建宇 |
男 |
教授 |
生物信息学、医疗图像处理 |
15 |
张辰艳 |
女 |
副教授 |
乳腺癌治疗、蛋白质结晶 |
16 |
杨鹏飞 |
男 |
副教授 |
生物力学 |
17 |
叶雅静 |
女 |
副教授 |
生物医用材料、多功能人体防护材料 |
18 |
任丽 |
女 |
副教授 |
药物有效性和毒性筛选。 |
19 |
黄庆生 |
男 |
副教授 |
免疫细胞的失重效应机制 |
20 |
卢慧甍 |
男 |
副教授 |
生物信息学与仿生生物学 |
21 |
邵东燕 |
女 |
副教授 |
纳米递药系统 |
22 |
李晨睿 |
女 |
副教授 |
骨质流失的发生机制及天然药物防护 |
23 |
徐春兰 |
女 |
副教授 |
纳米硒的生物合成及其在生物医学方面的应用 |
24 |
赵雯 |
女 |
副教授 |
生物材料-细胞相互作用、组织修复材料 |
25 |
侯海 |
男 |
副教授 |
结构生物学、分子生物物理学 |
26 |
牛银波 |
女 |
副教授 |
骨质流失的细胞分子机制、骨质流失的预防和治疗 |
27 |
武祥龙 |
男 |
副教授 |
药物合成、载药生物材料制备 |
28 |
李京宝 |
男 |
副教授 |
细胞感知微重力等特殊力学环境的机制 |
29 |
尚晓娅 |
女 |
副教授 |
活性多糖分离纯化、结构修饰、构效关系 |
30 |
孙瑜隆 |
男 |
副教授 |
抗炎药物分子 |
31 |
田野 |
女 |
副教授 |
骨代谢疾病(骨质疏松、骨肿瘤等)的防治 |
32 |
胡丽芳 |
女 |
副教授 |
骨代谢疾病发生机制究 |
33 |
呼延霆 |
男 |
副教授 |
空间生物学,肿瘤免疫学 |
34 |
李琦 |
女 |
高级讲师 |
外泌体在肿瘤免疫和肿瘤微环境中的作用 |
35 |
TeresaAlonso-Rasgsado |
女 |
教授 |
机械工程 |
36 |
Julien Gautrot |
男 |
教授 |
生物材料和生物界面 |
37 |
RobKrams |
男 |
教授 |
分子生物工程 |
38 |
JuliaShelton |
女 |
教授 |
全髋关节置换术,表面涂层,颗粒分析,骨科系统,组织工程,肌腱力学的磨损 |
39 |
David Lee |
男 |
教授 |
组织工程与力员工物学、间充质干细胞生物学 |
40 |
Hazel Screen |
女 |
教授 |
生物医学工程、组织、肌腱和心脏瓣膜; |
41 |
Gleb Sukhorukov |
男 |
教授 |
多功能纳米药物输送系统 |
42 |
Martin Knight |
男 |
教授 |
机械力生物学 |
43 |
Elizabeth Tanner |
女 |
教授 |
骨和关节置换生物材料的开发、测试和使用 |
44 |
Pankaj Vadgama |
男 |
教授 |
基于酶和抗体的保健点检测生物传感器的开发 |
45 |
Helena Azevedo |
女 |
副教授 |
模拟碳水化合物和蛋白质的组成和结构 |
46 |
Tina Chowdhury |
女 |
副教授 |
炎症、力员工物学、组织工程、再生医学、肌肉骨骼科学和生物工程 |
47 |
Karin Hing |
女 |
副教授 |
骨愈合或再生 |
48 |
HimadriGupta |
男 |
副教授 |
分层材料的多尺度成像、纳米和微米级组织力学、机械生物学 |
49 |
ThomasIskratsch |
男 |
副教授 |
心肌细胞和血管平滑肌细胞力员工物学、细胞力测量,先进的成像技术 |
50 |
StoyanSmoukov |
男 |
副教授 |
化学工程与可再生能源 |
51 |
Lei Su |
男 |
副教授 |
医疗,能源和安全等领域的光学设备和仪器 |
52 |
Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery |
女 |
助理 教授 |
治疗干预对步态缺陷的影响 |
Biomedical Engineering
Education Programme
forDouble Degrees Postgraduates
(QMUL Engineering School, NPU)
1. Programme Introduction
Biomedical Engineering is the comprehensive theory and method of engineering, physics, biology and medicine. It studies the state changes of human body systems at various levels such as cells, tissues and organs, and uses engineering techniques to solve related problems in biology and medicine, so as to protect human health and to provide services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases.
The Biomedical Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter referred to asNPU) was approved in 2010 to award master degrees of secondary disciplines. In 2012, it was approved to award doctoral degrees of first-level disciplines. Combining with the major needs of the national aerospace, aviation and navigation fields, the biomedical engineering discipline is co-built by School of Life Sciences of NPU, School of Automation of NPU, School of Medicine of NPU, and 5 provincial and ministerial level research platforms such as Key National Defense Subject Laboratory of Space Biological Experiment Simulation Technology and Centre for Shaanxi Biotechnology International Talent Training and Innovation Experiment to carry out frontier research in the field of biomedical engineering supported by the basic theories of biology, medicine and engineering technology. Its research interests include biomechanics, surface interface of biomaterials, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, biomedical nanotechnology, biomedical information and medical imaging, etc.
Queen Mary University of London (hereinafter referred to as QMUL), founded in 1887, is a member of Russell Group (a coalition of 24 best universities in research, teaching and social cooperation in the UK). It ranks the 9thin 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) in the UK, and won the silver award for the 2017 Teaching Excellence Framework. It has the accreditation of the top 25 world universities in view of internationalization according to The Times and ranks 119thin 2019 QS World University Rankings. The Biomedical Engineering programme of QMUL has long been popular in the UK and even worldwide. Its School of Medicine has 200 years’ history and the engineering disciplines are among the most influential disciplines in QMUL, which has been awarded five-star by the British government for many times and ranks first in terms of satisfaction survey sponsored by the National Student Federation in 2011 in the UK. Since 2008, the School of Engineering and Materials Sciences of QMUL has always been the top five in the UK in terms of scientific research ability and its graduate employability ranks the 7thamong UK universities. It provides elite quality education and excellent professional education for students in the whole process of material organization, structure and performance relationship, and material design, shaping and application in the field of polymers and composites.
In 2016,approved by the Ministry of Education of China, NPU and QMUL have launched a joint educational institutenamed Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter referred to as QMES) in order to providehigh-quality international undergraduate education. On the basis of undergraduate education, relying on high-level scientific research platforms and the international teaching and research teams such as the School of Life Science, the Sino-British Joint Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Structures and Center for Nanotechnology and Energy Research, QMES deeply integrates the superior educational resources and education philosophies of the two universities in the field of materials to carry out the double masters education programme of Biomedical Engineernig so as to enhance the education level of Sino-foreign joint education. The aim is to cultivate students to become the international innovative talents with solid natural science foundation and profound engineering technology knowledge, international perspective and international competitiveness, and innovative thinking and ability, capable of independently doing scientific research or undertaking engineering technology related work in the field of biomedical engineering fields.
2. Educational Aims
(1)Be equipped to become a qualified builder and reliable successor of the Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with a strong sense of love for nation and family and social responsibility, good academic ethics and professionalism, physical and mental health, and high comprehensive quality.
(2)Be equipped to have the basic knowledge of biomedical engineering, as well as the solid basic theory and system expertise in the field of this subject; be equipped with skills of biomedical material preparation, analysis and testing, and doing experiments; to have the ability to do interdisciplinary research and solve scientific and engineering problems in the subject..
(3)Be equipped with the fluently skills in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, global international perspective, innovative consciousness and ability, rigorous scientific research style, good spirit of cooperation, and the ability of self-learning and lifelong learning.
3. Research Interests
Research interests |
Main contents |
Biomechanics |
4)Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Motor Systems 5)Cellular Molecular Biomechanics 3) Exercise Rehabilitation Biomechanics |
Biomaterial Surface Interface |
4)Surface Modification of Biological Materials 5)Surface Structure and Function of Biomaterials 3)Interactions between Biomaterials and Biological Systems |
Biomedical Nanotechnology |
3)Nanoparticles and Their Biological Effects 4)Nanoparticals Drug Delivery System |
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine |
1)Bone, Cartilage, and Skin Tissue Engineering 2)Preparation and Evaluation of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds 3)Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine |
Biomedical informatics and medical imaging |
2)Intelligent Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Images 2) Physical Health Monitoring and Evaluation |
4. Qualification and Degree Certificate
Schooling years:3 years including no less than 9 months studying in QMUL, at least 28 credits needed for taught modules.
Degree:After completing the whole education process and successfully defensing the dissertation, the postgraduate students will be awarded diploma by NPU, MEng degree by NPU and MSc degree by QMUL.
5.Modules and Credits/Hours,13Modules in Total with28 Credits
uPublic modules (3 modules), 6 credits/108 hours;
uFundamental modules (1 module), 3 credits/60 hours;
uTechnical core modules (8 modules), 17 credits/340 hours;
uComprehensive module (1 module), 2 credits/40 hours;
Except for ideological and political theory modules (3 credits), 16 credits taught by QMUL and 9 credits taught by NPU with fully English teaching. 7 introduced modules include English for Science and Engineering,Professional Engineering Methods,Advanced Polymer Synthesis and other 5 technical core modules,satisfying the requirement ofRegulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, which are:
◆numbers of introduced modules (7) take 53.8% of numbers of total modules (13);
◆numbers of introduced major core modules (5) take 62.5% of numbers of total major modules (8);
◆numbers of QMUL teaching major core modules (5) take 38.5% of numbers of total modules (13);
◆class hours of QMUL teaching major core modules (220) take 40.1% of class hours of total modules (548).
Module distribution in details is as below:
(Module code reference: Modules beginning with Code Q are taught by QMUL. Modules beginning with Code N are taught by NPU in English. Modules beginning with Code M are the compulsory modules taught by NPU in Chinese according to MoE regulations.)
(1)Public modules (3 modules, 6 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Hours |
Credits |
Opening semester |
Compulsory or elective |
Exam or assessment |
M13G11001 |
Research on the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
36 |
2 |
1, 2 |
Compulsory |
Exam |
M13G11002 |
Dialectics of Nature |
18 |
1 |
1 |
Compulsory |
Exam |
QXU7111 |
English for Science and Engineering |
54 |
3 |
1 |
Compulsory |
Assessment |
(2)Fundamental modules(1 module, 3 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Hours |
Credit |
Open semester |
Compulsory/elective |
Exam/assessment |
NXC7103 |
Mathematical Statistics |
60 |
3.0 |
1 |
Compulsory |
exam |
(3) Technical coremodules(8 modules, 17 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Hours |
Credit |
Open semester |
Compulsory/elective |
Exam/assessment |
NXC7106 |
Protein Engineering |
40 |
2.0 |
1 |
Compulsory |
exam |
QXU7033 |
Advanced Polymer Synthesis |
60 |
3.0 |
1 |
Compulsory |
exam |
NXC7221 |
Biomedical Materials |
40 |
2.0 |
2 |
Compulsory |
exam |
NXC7222 |
Biomechanics |
40 |
2.0 |
2 |
Compulsory |
exam |
QLU7303 |
Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine |
40 |
2.0 |
3 |
Compulsory |
exam |
QLU7304 |
Advanced Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine |
40 |
2.0 |
3 |
Compulsory |
exam |
QLU7405 |
Ethics and Regulatory Affairs |
40 |
2.0 |
4 |
Compulsory |
exam |
QLU7406 QLU7407 QLU7408 |
Science of Biocompatibility (option A) Physiology for Medical Engineers (option B) Chemical and Biological Sensors (option C) |
40 |
2.0 |
4 |
Compulsory |
exam |
(4)Comprehensive module (1 module, 2 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Hours |
Credits |
Opening semester |
Compulsory or elective |
Exam or assessment |
QXU7211 |
Professional Engineering Methods |
40 |
2 |
2 |
Compulsory |
Assessment |
Curriculum Modules and Credits Table
Module |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Hours/ Credits |
Exam/Assessment |
Allocation of Hours |
Exam √ |
Assess √ |
Lecture |
Experiment |
Sem 1st |
Sem 2nd |
Sem 3rd |
Sem 4th |
Sem 5th |
Sem 6th |
Public Modules |
Public Modules |
M13G11001 |
Research on the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
36/2.0 |
√ |
36 |
18/1.0 |
18/1.0 |
M13G11002 |
Dialectics of Nature |
18/1.0 |
√ |
18 |
18/1.0 |
QXU7111 |
English for Science and Engineering |
54/3.0 |
√ |
54 |
54/3.0 |
Total |
108/6.0 |
Fundamental Modules |
Fundamental Modules |
NXC7103 |
Mathematical Statistics |
60/3.0 |
√ |
60 |
60/3.0 |
Total |
60/3.0 |
Technical Core Modules |
Technical Core Modules |
NXC7106 |
Protein Engineering |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QXU7033 |
Advanced Polymer Synthesis |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
NXC7221 |
Biomedical Materials |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
NXC7222 |
Biomechanics |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7303 |
Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7304 |
Advanced Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7405 |
Ethics and Regulatory Affairs |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
QLU7406QLU7407 QLU7408 |
Science of Biocompatibility(option A) Physiology for Medical Engineers (option B) Chemical and Biological Sensors (option C) |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
Total |
340/17.0 |
Comprehensive Modules |
Comprehensive Modules |
QXU7211 |
Professional Engineering Methods |
40/2.0 |
√ |
40 |
40/2.0 |
Total |
40/2.0 |
Total hours / total credits:548//28.0 |
Reference: Modules beginning with Code Q are taught by QMUL. Modules beginning with Code N are taught by NPU in English. Modules beginning with Code M are the compulsory modules taught by NPU in Chinese according to MoE regulations.. |
6. Education Plan
TheAcademic Committeeof QMES is in charge of supervising and guaranteeing the education process of double master degree, teaching quality and the viva examination of the final dissertation/project.
Dual tutors mechanism is adopted in this double master programme. Respectively coming from NPU and QMUL, two tutors play a leading role in the cultivation process and will be decided when postgraduates are registered. The final dissertation/project is co-directed by dual tutors.
Schooling years are 3 years including no less than 9 months studying in QMUL.
Taught modulesenjoy the important part of the education plan for the postgraduates who are required to complete enough credits, satisfying the credit requirements of both NPU and QMUL, before the viva examination.
1) Taught modules
(1)Students study public modules, fundamental modules, comprehensive modules and part of technical core modules in NPU, and decide their choices on research interests and complete the literature review for their dissertations under the guidance of dual tutors.
(2)Students study all the technical core modules in QMUL, and start their academic research work and submit their dissertation plans supervised by the dual tutors.
(3)Students continue their research work in NPU and QMUL and complete all the requirements, pass mid-term dissertation assessment, finish writing their dissertations and pass the final viva examination under the instruction of their dual tutors.
(4)The contents of Professional Engineering Methods include: scientific ethics and academic norms, intellectual property rights, problem solving methods, project management, psychology, career planning, academic literature review, academic paper writing guidance and so on.
(5)Students should complete the comprehensive industrial/social practice in NPU. It focuses on cultivating the comprehensive abilities of postgraduates by means of attending activities such as teaching practice, scientific and technological innovation, social service, cultural training, taking a temporary post and volunteer activities. After the practice students need to complete the form titledFeedback on the Industrial/Social Practice for NPU Postgraduateswith their NPU tutors’remarks and comments from the organizations where students have done their practice, which is kept in their files.
2) Project/dissertation scheme
(1) Literature review
Dual tutors will be decided when postgraduates are registered and supervise students to choose their research interests. Students should submit the literature review before the end of the 1stacademic year.
(2) The opening report review
The final project/dissertation starts with the opening report review which should demonstrate the scientific significance, background, research content, expected objectives, research methods and conditions of the topic. The opening report review should be reported to the Academic Committee for comments no later than the 3rdsemester.
Those who pass the review shall be allowed to continue the final project/dissertation. Those who fail to pass the review shall be warned and asked to revise it within a specified time period. They shall submit the report again for review. Those who fail to pass the review again shall terminate the programme or find other cultivating ways.
(3) Mid-term review
Students should submit a mid-term progress report about 6 months after the opening report passed. The progress report shall include whether the work of the project/dissertation is carried out according to the scheduled content of the opening report and the progress of the project/dissertation plan, the completed research content, the summary of scientific and academic research participated, the existing or anticipated problems, the proposed solutions, subsequent work plan and research content, etc.
During the progress students are allowed to make necessary adjustments to the project/dissertation (title,content, research plan, etc.). However, the main content of project/dissertation should be basically consistent with the content of mid-term progress report when students having the viva examination of the final project/dissertation.
A review team can be established under the consent of the Academic Committee. It should consist of at least three associate professors and above (excluding tutors) with a team leader to give evaluation opinions on students’submitted projects/dissertations.
Those who pass the review shall be allowed to continue the final project/dissertation. Those who fail to pass the review shall be warned and asked to revise it within a specified time period. They shall submit the report again and pass the review. Those who fail to pass the review again shall terminate the programme or find other cultivating ways.
(4) The final project/dissertation writing
The final project/dissertation is the summary of independent and systematic academic research work completed by postgraduate students under the guidance of tutors. It should have good academic technicality and considerable workload. It solves the scientific problems of the subject by using existing or innovative theories and methods, carries out necessary theoretical analysis and obtains correct results. Specific requirements shall be implemented in accordance with theRegulations on Degree Thesis Writing of NPUandCriteria for Master's Degree Dissertations of QMUL.
(5) The viva examination
A Viva Examination Committee shall be established under the consent of the Academic Committee to evaluate students’projects/dissertations in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of both NPU and QMUL.
7. Enrollment Requirements for Double Degrees Master Students
1) Participate in the Unified National Postgraduate Entrance Examination, reach the basic score line of postgraduate interview of NPU, and pass the interview organised by QMES who select the best examinees.
2) Candidates who meet the exam-free requirements of NPU postgraduates shall apply for their intended programme through MoE “national information disclosure and management service system for recommending outstanding undergraduates to study postgraduate programmes” and pass the interview organized by QMES.
3) English requirements: have achieved a score of 6.0 or above in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a score in writing of 5.5 or above; or achieved a score of 60 or above in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a score in writing of 18 or above; or have, within 5 years prior to entry to the JEI, graduated from a degree that was studied in English, where the transcript of the degree clearly shows that the degree was taught and examined in English.
8. Student Management of Double Degrees Master
QMES is responsible for postgraduate enrollment, student registration, student management, academic management and student cultivation. The School of Life Science assist the selection of tutors, academic guidance and to provide research platforms.
Teacher list
Module Code |
Module Name |
Teacher’s name |
Gender |
Title |
NXC7103 |
Mathematical Statistics |
Zhou Bingchang |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Xie Wenxian |
Female |
Associate Professor |
NXC7222 |
Biomechanics |
Yang Pengfei |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Xu Huiyun |
Female |
Professor |
Li Jingbao |
Male |
Associate Professor |
NXC7221 |
Biomedical Materials |
Lu Tingli |
Female |
Professor |
Zhang Lianbing |
Male |
Professor |
NXC7106 |
Protein Engineering |
Zhang Chenyan |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Yin Dachuan |
Male |
Professor |
Ren Li |
Female |
Associate Professor |
QXU7111 |
English for Science and Engineering |
Kathryn Richardson |
Female |
Professor |
QXU7033 |
Advanced polymer synthesis |
Julien Gautrot |
Male |
Associate Professor |
QLU7303 |
Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine |
Gleb Sukhorukov |
Male |
Professor |
QLU7304 |
Advanced Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine |
Tina Chowdhury |
Female |
Associate Professor |
QLU7405 |
Ethics and Regulatory Affairs |
David Lee |
Male |
Professor |
QLU7406 |
Science of Biocompatibility |
Karin Hing |
Female |
Associate Professor |
QLU7407 |
Physiology for Medical Engineers |
Pankaj Vadgama |
Male |
Professor |
QLU7408 |
Chemical and Biological Sensors |
Steffi Krauss |
Female |
Associate Professor |
QXU7211 |
Professional Engineering Methods |
Yousef Zawahreh |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Tutor List
No. |
Tutor’s Name |
Gender |
Title |
Research field |
1 |
Yin Dachuan |
Male |
Professor |
Biological material; strong magnetic field effect; protein crystallization; protein material |
2 |
Shang Peng |
Male |
Professor |
Magnetic biology/spatial biology |
3 |
Qian Airong |
Female |
Professor |
Committed to musculoskeletal biomechanics, bone metabolism disease epigenetics and nucleic acid drugs, as well as special environmental ergonomics and health engineering research. |
4 |
Lu Tingli |
Female |
Professor |
Nanobiomaterials and their applications, 3D bioprinting, Biomaterial interface |
5 |
Shi Junling |
Female |
Professor |
Microbial synthesis and application of nanomaterials |
6 |
Yang Hui |
Female |
Professor |
Stem cell proliferation, differentiation regulation, Cell-Molecular Biomechanics, Biomaterials and tissue engineering |
7 |
Xu Huiyun |
Female |
Professor |
The dynamics of the motor system (force), Special environmental biology direction |
8 |
Qi Zhenhui |
Male |
Professor |
Antioxidant protein compounds containing selenium, Microbial corrosion and protection |
9 |
Zhang Lianbing |
Male |
Professor |
Design, synthesis, catalytic mechanism and applied research of nanozymes |
10 |
Guo Lei |
Male |
Professor |
Medical image analysis, brain functional imaging analysis |
11 |
Shang Li |
Male |
Professor |
Development of multifunctional fluorescent nanop. In situ study of nano biological effects |
12 |
Wen Dan |
Female |
Professor |
Development of electrochemical biosensing |
13 |
Niu Weining |
Male |
Professor |
Biocatalytic synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates; preparation of medical diagnostic enzymes |
14 |
Shi Jianyu |
Male |
Professor |
bioinformatics |
15 |
Zhang Chenyan |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Breast cancer treatment; protein crystallisation |
16 |
Yang Pengfei |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Biomechanics |
17 |
Ye Yajing |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Biomedical materials, multifunctional protective materials |
18 |
Ren Li |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Accurate drug efficacy and toxicity screening. |
19 |
Huang Qingsheng |
Male |
Associate Professor |
The mechanism of weight loss effect of immune cells |
20 |
Lu Huimeng |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Bioinformatics and bionic biology |
21 |
Shao Dongyan |
Female |
Associate Professor |
The nano drug delivery system |
22 |
Li Chenrui |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Mechanism of bone loss and natural drug protection |
23 |
Xu Chunlan |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Biosynthesis of nano-selenium and its application in biomedicine |
24 |
Zhao Wen |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Biomaterials - cell interactions; Tissue repair materials |
25 |
Hou Hai |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Structural biology, molecular biophysics |
26 |
Niu Yinbo |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Cellular molecular mechanism of bone loss; Prevention and treatment of bone loss |
27 |
Wu Xianglong |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Preparation of drug synthesis and drug-loaded biological materials |
28 |
Li Jingbao |
Male |
Associate Professor |
The mechanism by which cells perceive microgravity and other special mechanical environments |
29 |
Shang Xiaoya |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Separation and purification of active polysaccharides, structural modification, structure-activity relationship |
30 |
Sun Yulong |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Anti-inflammatory drug molecules |
31 |
Tian Ye |
Female |
Associate Professor |
The prevention and treatment of bone metabolic diseases (osteoporosis, bone tumors, etc.). |
32 |
Hu Lifang |
Female |
Associate Professor |
The mechanism of bone metabolic diseases |
33 |
Hu Yanting |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Space biology, tumor immunology |
34 |
Li Qi |
Female |
Senior Lecturer |
The role of exosomes in tumor immunity and tumor microenvironment |
35 |
Teresa Alonso-Rasgsado |
Female |
Professor |
Mechanical Engineering |
36 |
Julien Gautrot |
Male |
Professor |
Biomaterials and biological interfaces |
37 |
Rob Krams |
Male |
Professor |
Molecular Bioengineering |
38 |
Julia Shelton |
Female |
Professor |
Total hip arthroplasty, surface coating, tissue engineering, tendon wear |
39 |
David Lee |
Male |
Professor |
Tissue engineering and mechanical biology, mesenchymal stem cell biology |
40 |
Hazel Screen |
Female |
Professor |
Biomedical engineering, tissue, tendons, and heart valves |
41 |
Gleb Sukhorukov |
Male |
Professor |
Multifunctional nano drug conveying system |
42 |
Martin Knight |
Male |
Professor |
Mechanical biology |
43 |
Elizabeth Tanner |
Female |
Professor |
Development, testing and use of bone and joint replacement biomaterials |
44 |
Pankaj Vadgama |
Male |
Professor |
Biosensor development based on enzyme and antibody-based health point detection |
45 |
Helena Azevedo |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Mimic the composition and structure of carbohydrates and proteins |
46 |
Tina Chowdhury |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Inflammation, mechanical biology, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal science and bioengineering |
47 |
Karin Hing |
Female |
Associate Professor |
Bone healing or regeneration |
48 |
Himadri Gupta |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Multiscale imaging of hierarchical materials; ano- and microscale tissue mechanics; Mechanobiology |
49 |
Thomas Iskratsch |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Cardiomyocyte and Vacular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanobiology;Cellular Force Measurements, Advanced Imaging Techniques |
50 |
Stoyan Smoukov |
Male |
Associate Professor |
Engineering & Renewable Energy |
51 |
Lei Su |
Male |
Associate Professor |
optical devices and instrumentation for detection |
52 |
Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery |
Female |
Senior Lecturer |
Assessing the effectiveness of different therapeutic interventions on gait defects |