课程类别 |
建议学分 |
通识课程 |
≥71.0学分 |
学科专业课程 |
102.0学分 |
合计学分 |
173.0学分 |
个性发展课程 |
X |
素质拓展课程 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
U13G11007 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
3.0 |
必修 |
U44G11004 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
3.0 |
必修 |
U44G11001 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
3.0 |
必修 |
U13G11012 |
思想道德与法治 |
3.0 |
必修 |
U44G11013 |
形势与政策(1) |
0.5 |
必修 |
U44G11014 |
形势与政策(2) |
0.5 |
必修 |
U44G11015 |
形势与政策(3) |
0.5 |
必修 |
U44G11016 |
形势与政策(4) |
0.5 |
必修 |
U44G11009 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
3.0 |
必修 |
U44G11003 |
中共党史 |
1.0 |
限选 |
U44G11012 |
新中国史 |
1.0 |
U44G11005 |
改革开放史 |
1.0 |
U44G11011 |
社会主义发展史 |
1.0 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
U34G11005 |
军事理论 |
2.0 |
必修 |
U34P41002 |
军事技能训练 |
2.0 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
U34G11004 |
老员工心理健康教育 |
2.0 |
必修 |
具体项目课程,详见体育部当学期开设课程 |
4.0 |
限选 |
…… |
…… |
…… |
…… |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
备注 |
课程性质 |
U30G11001 |
大学美育 |
2.0 |
必修 |
U30G11002 |
艺术导论 |
2.0 |
艺术史论类 |
限选 |
U30G12001 |
中国审美历史(英) |
2.0 |
U30G11020 |
经典诗词乐歌鉴赏 |
2.0 |
音乐类 |
U30G11007 |
戏剧鉴赏 |
2.0 |
戏剧戏曲类 |
U30G11008 |
戏曲鉴赏 |
2.0 |
U30G11022 |
京剧艺术呈现 |
2.0 |
U30G11016 |
中国文艺之美 |
2.0 |
文学类 |
U30G11005 |
影视鉴赏 |
2.0 |
影视类 |
U30G11018 |
影像中国—纪录片与跨文化传播 |
2.0 |
U30G11021 |
壁画艺术工作坊 |
2.0 |
美术类 |
见当学期开课清单 |
舞蹈类 |
见当学期开课清单 |
艺术设计类 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
QXU3103 |
科学工程英语概论 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU3104 |
科学工程英语应用 |
5.5 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
NXC3000 |
高等数学1 |
5.5 |
必修 |
NXC3004 |
高等数学2 |
5.5 |
必修 |
NXC3002 |
线性代数 |
3.0 |
必修 |
NXC3005 |
数学建模与计算 |
4.0 |
必修 |
NXC3001 |
大学物理 |
5.0 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
NXC4012 |
工程力学 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4016 |
工程设计方法 |
3.5 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
QXU3112 |
专业工程技能学术培养 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4112 |
专业工程技能发展培养 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU5112 |
专业工程技能应用培养 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4000 |
材料学1-结构与性能 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4006 |
材料学2-加工与应用 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4004 |
工程化学 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4015 |
工程材料 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4007 |
材料学实验I |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU5017 |
材料学实验II |
3.5 |
必修 |
NXC4022 |
热力学与相变 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU4002 |
材料化学 |
4.0 |
必修 |
QXU5010 |
表面与界面 |
3.5 |
必修 |
NXC5015 |
结构表征 |
3.5 |
必修 |
NXC5026 |
金属I-变形与强化 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU5030 |
复合材料 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU5032 |
高分子材料物理性能 |
4.0 |
必修 |
NXC5036 |
金属II-合金与热处理 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU6004 |
工程设计中的材料选择 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU6008 |
材料和可持续性 |
3.5 |
必修 |
QXU6032 |
先进陶瓷和玻璃材料 |
3.5 |
必修 |
NXC6029 |
断裂,疲劳与蠕变 |
4.0 |
必修 |
NXC6025 |
制造技术 |
4.0 |
必修 |
QXU6027 |
可再生能源技术 |
3.0 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
NXC0001 |
科研训练 |
1.0 |
必修 |
NXC0002 |
生产实习 |
2.0 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
QXU6030 |
材料专业毕业设计 |
10.0 |
必修 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
课程性质 |
NXC1001 |
京剧艺术的呈现 |
1.0 |
任选 |
NXC1004 |
计算机基础 |
1.0 |
任选 |
NXC1005 |
无机化学 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1006 |
基础有机化学 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1007 |
物理化学 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1008 |
西方哲学史 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1010 |
科技英语文献写作 |
1.5 |
任选 |
NXC1011 |
工程素养-工程基础实践 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1012 |
工程素养—智能机器人系统教学与创新实践 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1013 |
量子力学导论 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1014 |
仪器分析 |
2.0 |
任选 |
NXC1015 |
人工智能时代的材料设计与优化 |
2.0 |
任选 |
机器人装配基础及基于DELMIA的仿真实践 |
2.0 |
任选 |
基于中国剪纸文化的激光技术 |
2.0 |
任选 |
文明经典、匠心独运-基于非遗掐丝珐琅技艺机、电创意设计与制作 |
2.0 |
任选 |
数控多轴精密雕铣综合创新 |
2.0 |
任选 |
基于智能制造的活字印刷技术 |
2.0 |
任选 |
小型无人机制作与飞行 |
2.0 |
任选 |
移动通信设备架构与工艺 |
2.0 |
任选 |
基于热处理工艺的硬度测量与焊缝超声波无损检测 |
1.0 |
任选 |
陶瓷成型与烧成 |
1.0 |
任选 |
有色金属焊接工艺与实践 |
1.0 |
任选 |
课程类别 |
课程名称 |
培养目标 |
毕业要求 |
内涵1 |
内涵2 |
内涵3 |
要求1 |
要求2 |
要求3 |
思想政治理论类 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
马克思主义基本原理 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
思想道德与法治 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
形势与政策(1-4) |
√ |
√ |
√ |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
中共党史 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
新中国史 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
改革开放史 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
社会主义发展史 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
军事类 |
军事理论 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
军事技能训练 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
体育与健康类 |
老员工心理健康教育 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
体育专项课 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
审美与艺术类 |
大学美育 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
艺术限定性选修课 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
语言类 |
科技工程英语概论&应用 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
数学与自然科学类 |
高等数学1 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
高等数学2 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
线性代数 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
数学建模与计算 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
大学物理 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
安全教育类 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
创新创业类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
文明与经典类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
管理与领导力类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
全球视野类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
写作与沟通类 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
课程类别 |
课程名称 |
培养目标 |
毕业要求 |
内涵1 |
内涵2 |
内涵3 |
要求1 |
要求2 |
要求3 |
学科基础 课程 |
工程力学 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
专业方向 课程 |
专业工程技能学术培养 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
专业工程技能发展培养 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
专业工程技能应用培养 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料学1-结构与性能 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料学2-加工与应用 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
工程化学 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
工程设计方法 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
工程材料 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料学实验I |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料学实验II |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
热力学与相变 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料化学 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
表面与界面 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
结构表征 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
金属I-变形与强化 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
复合材料 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
高分子材料物理性能 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
金属II-合金与热处理 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
工程设计中的材料选择 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
材料和可持续性 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
先进陶瓷和玻璃材料 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
断裂,疲劳与蠕变 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
制造技术 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
可再生能源技术 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
实践实训 |
科研训练 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
生产实习 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
毕业设计/论文 |
材料专业毕业设计 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
课程类别 |
课程名称 |
培养目标 |
毕业要求 |
内涵1 |
内涵2 |
内涵3 |
要求1 |
要求2 |
要求3 |
综合素养类课程 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
学科拓展类课程 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
辅修/双学位专业课程 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
学术深造类课程 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
课程类别 |
课程名称 |
培养目标 |
毕业要求 |
内涵1 |
内涵2 |
内涵3 |
要求1 |
要求2 |
要求3 |
思想教育活动 |
每学期开设的上述模块课程详见当学期选课手册 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
公益活动 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
创新创业活动 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
文体活动 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
社会实践活动 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
第一学年秋季学期(学分≥31.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识课程 |
思想政治理论类 |
U13G11012 |
思想道德与法治 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大一学年秋季学期修读。 |
U44G11013 |
形势与政策(1) |
必修 |
0.5 |
8 |
U44G11003 |
中共党史 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
春秋学期均开课。限选课程,须在《中共党史》《新中国史》《改革开放史》《社会主义发展史》中至少选择修读一门,大一、大二学年修读完成,至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 |
新中国史 |
U44G11005 |
改革开放史 |
U44G11011 |
社会主义发展史 |
军事类 |
U34G11005 |
军事理论 |
必修 |
2.0 |
32 |
U34P41002 |
军事技能训练 |
必修 |
2.0 |
120 |
体育与健康类 |
U34G11004 |
老员工心理健康 教育 |
必修 |
2.0 |
32 |
详见当学期开设课程 |
体育专项课 |
限选 |
1.0 |
32 |
1.本课程包括课内36学时,课外4学时,课程名称详见当学期开课清单;2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课,4学时体育理论课;3.课外4学时体质测试;4.员工APP长跑每周完成2次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),每学期共计32次。 |
语言类 |
QXU3103 |
科学工程英语概论 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
数学与自然 科学类 |
NXC3000 |
高等数学I |
必修 |
5.5 |
88 |
NXC3001 |
大学物理 |
必修 |
5.0 |
82 |
NXC3002 |
线性代数 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
安全教育类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
国家安全教育公共基础课 |
必修 |
1.0 |
16 |
修读不少于1学分的国家安全教育公共基础课程,具体课程清单详见学校相关通知。此外,每学年参加不少于1次(≥2学时)的国家安全教育专题教育。 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU3112 |
专业工程技能学术培养 |
必修 |
1.5 /3.5 |
24 /56 |
为一学年 课程。 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥602/31.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第一学年 春季学期(≥33.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识课程 |
思想政治 理论类 |
U44G11001 |
中国近现代史纲要 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大一学年春季学期修读。 |
U44G11003 |
中共党史 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
春秋学期均开课。限选课程,须在《中共党史》《新中国史》《改革开放史》《社会主义发展史》中至少选择修读一门,大一、大二学年修读完成,至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 |
新中国史 |
U44G11005 |
改革开放史 |
U44G11011 |
社会主义发展史 |
体育与健康类 |
详见当学期开设课程 |
体育专项课 |
限选 |
1.0 |
32 |
1.本课程包括课内36学时,课外4学时,课程名称详见当学期开课清单;2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课,4学时体育理论课;3.课外4学时体质测试;4.员工APP长跑每周完成2次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),每学期共计32次。 |
审美与艺术类 |
U30G11001 |
大学美育 |
必修 |
2.0 |
32 |
为限选课程,包含《大学美育》课程和八类限选课程组,共计4学分;其中,《大学美育》课程为必修,2学分;所有员工应在八类限选课程组中至少修读2学分。 |
详见当学期选课手册 |
教育部指定的八类限选课程组 |
限选 |
2.0 |
32 |
语言类 |
QXU3104 |
科学工程英语应用 |
必修 |
5.5 |
88 |
数学与自然科学类 |
NXC3004 |
高等数学II |
必修 |
5.5 |
88 |
NXC3005 |
数学建模与计算 |
必修 |
4.0 |
64 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导 力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU3112 |
专业工程技能学术培养 |
必修 |
2.0 /3.5 |
32 /56 |
为一学年 课程 |
QXU4015 |
工程材料 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4004 |
工程化学 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥544/33.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第二学年秋季学期(学分≥21.5) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识课程 |
思想政治理论类 |
U13G11007 |
马克思主义基本原理 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
春秋学期均开课。大二大三学年修读完成,建议大二学年秋季修读《马克思主义基本原理》,大三修读《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》。 |
U44G11014 |
形势与政策(2) |
必修 |
0.5 |
8 |
思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大二学年秋季学期修读。 |
U44G11003 |
中共党史 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
春秋学期均开课。限选课程,须在《中共党史》《新中国史》《改革开放史》《社会主义发展史》中至少选择修读一门,大一、大二学年修读完成,至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 |
新中国史 |
U44G11005 |
改革开放史 |
U44G11011 |
社会主义发展史 |
体育与健康类 |
详见当学期开设课程 |
体育专项课 |
限选 |
1.0 |
32 |
1.本课程包括课内36学时,课外4学时,课程名称详见当学期开课清单;2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课,4学时体育理论课;3.课外4学时体质测试;4.员工APP长跑每周完成2次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),每学期共计32次。 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU4016 |
工程设计方法 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4112 |
专业工程技能发展培养 |
必修 |
1.5 /3.5 |
24 /56 |
为一学年 课程。 |
QXU4000 |
材料学1-结构与性能 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4002 |
材料化学 |
必修 |
4.0 |
64 |
QXU4007 |
材料学实验I |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥360/21.5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第二学年春季学期(学分≥21.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识课程 |
思想政治理论类 |
U44G11009 |
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
春秋学期均开课。大二学年修读完成。建议大二学年春季学期完成。 |
U44G11003 |
中共党史 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
春秋学期均开课。限选课程,须在《中共党史》《新中国史》《改革开放史》《社会主义发展史》中至少选择修读一门,大一、大二学年修读完成,至少修读1学分。 |
U44G11012 |
新中国史 |
U44G11005 |
改革开放史 |
U44G11011 |
社会主义发展史 |
体育与健康类 |
详见当学期开设课程 |
体育专项课 |
限选 |
1.0 |
32 |
1.本课程包括课内36学时,课外4学时,课程名称详见当学期开课清单;2.课内36学时,包括32学时体育专项课,4学时体育理论课;3.课外4学时体质测试;4.员工APP长跑每周完成2次,每次跑距3.2公里(男)/2.4公里(女),每学期共计32次。 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
学科基础课程 |
NXC4012 |
工程力学 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU4112 |
专业工程技能发展培养 |
必修 |
2.0/3.5 |
32/56 |
为一学年 课程。 |
QXU4006 |
材料学2-加工与应用 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC4022 |
热力学与相变 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU5017 |
材料学实验2 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥352/21.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第三学年秋季学期(学分≥20.5) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识课程 |
思想政治理论类 |
U44G11004 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
春秋学期均开课。大二大三学年修读完成,大二修读《马克思主义基本原理》的大类/专业的员工大三修读《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》。 |
U44G11015 |
形势与政策(3) |
必修 |
0.5 |
8 |
思想政治理论类必修课程,春秋学期均开课,建议大三学年秋季学期修读。 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU5112 |
专业工程技能应用培养 |
必修 |
1.5/3.5 |
24/56 |
为一学年 课程。 |
QXU5010 |
表面与界面 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC5026 |
金属Ⅰ-变形与强化 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU5032 |
高分子材料物理性能 |
必修 |
4.0 |
64 |
NXC5015 |
结构表征 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥328/20.5 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第三学年春季学期(学分≥17.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识通修 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU5112 |
专业工程技能应用培养 |
必修 |
2.0/3.5 |
32/56 |
为一学年 课程。 |
QXU5030 |
复合材料 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC5036 |
金属2:合金与热处理 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU6008 |
材料和可持续性 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU6032 |
先进陶瓷和玻璃材料 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥272/17.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第四学年秋季学期(学分≥19.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
通识通修 |
思想政治理论课 |
U44G11016 |
形势与政策(4) |
必修 |
0.5 |
8 |
秋学期开课。大四秋季修读完成。 |
创新创业类 |
详见当年课程清单 |
限选 |
1.0 |
16 |
本学期建议修读至少1学分,毕业前该模块获得总学分不少于6学分,员工可在以上一类或几类课程组中选修。 |
文明与经典类 |
管理与领导力类 |
全球视野类 |
伦理与可持续发展类 |
写作与沟通类 |
学科专业课程 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU6004 |
工程设计中的材料选择 |
必修 |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC6029 |
断裂、疲劳与蠕变 |
必修 |
4.0 |
64 |
NXC6025 |
制造技术 |
必修 |
4.0 |
64 |
实践实训 |
NXC0001 |
科研训练 |
必修 |
1.0 |
16 |
科研训练须通过学院认定,具体详见当学期通知。认识实习和自主实习不能认定为科研训练。 |
毕业设计(论文) |
QXU6030 |
材料专业毕业论文 |
必修 |
5.0/10.0 |
80/160 |
为一学年课程 |
合计学时/学分 |
≥304/19.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
第四学年春季学期(学分≥8.0) |
课程模块 |
课程类别 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
课程属性 |
学分 |
学时 |
说明 |
专业方向课程 |
QXU6027 |
可再生能源技术 |
必修 |
3.0 |
48 |
毕业设计(论文) |
QXU6030 |
材料专业毕业论文 |
必修 |
5.0/10.0 |
80/160 |
为一学年课程 |
合计学分 |
≥128/8.0 |
个性发展 课程 (选修课程) |
鼓励员工根据自己的兴趣、爱好、特长,修读综合素养类课程、学科拓展类课程、辅修/双学位专业课程、学术深造类课程。其中参加辅修/双学位的员工修读的辅修/双学位专业课程,计入个性发展课程学分。毕业前该模块至少获得6学分。 员工可在永利集团综合素养类课程清单及西工大304am永利集团选修课清单中选修,建议优先选择英文授课课程。每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。其中《计算机基础》建议第一学年秋季学期修读。 |
素质拓展课程 |
鼓励员工积极参加由思想教育活动、公益活动、创新创业活动、文体活动、社会实践活动等各类活动转化之后的素质拓展类课程。具体各子类课程方案另行发布。 |
总学时/学分合计: 2922+X/173.0+X (最少满足3018/179.0) |
附注说明:课程代号QX为英方教师授课,NX为中方教师英文授课,U为教育部规定必修中文授课的军事理论课程及部分中文选修课程等 |
NPU Education Plan for Undergraduates
(QMUL Engineering School)
Programme NameMaterials Science and Engineering(080401H)
Chief Professor (Director of Education) signature
1stJune 2022
From Teaching Affairs Department ofNorthwestern Polytechnical University
Materials Science and Engineering
Education Plan for 2022Undergraduates
(QMUL Engineering School)
1.Programme outline
2.Materials are the basic necessity of human existence. Materials science and engineering is the foundation of science, technology, and manufacturing. As a syncretic discipline hybridizing materials science, engineering, physics, and chemistry, materials science and engineering builds the foundation of aviation, marine engineering, new energy, information technology, renewable resources, and intelligent manufacturing. Materials discipline, which covers metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, is one of the most influential and distinct disciplines in Queen Mary University of London (hereinafter as QMUL). QMUL provides elite education and professional training for students with a thorough grounding in the structure of materials, the properties of materials, the performance of materials and the manufacturing processes and design. The discipline has been rated as 5-star by the British government many times. A survey conducted by the National Union of Students in 2011 showed that it ranked top 1 in the UK. The Materials discipline in Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter as NPU), as the National Key Discipline, enjoys a high reputation and a great popularity internationally and is ranked top 3 among all National Key Disciplines in the 2012 Discipline Evaluation in Chinaand is evaluated as Category A of national disciplines evaluation in 2017. NPU also has 6 scientific research and talent-training platforms at national level.
Approved by the Ministry of Education of China, NPU and QMUL have launched a joint educational institution named Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter referred to as QMES), in order to provide Chinese students with typical British education that emphasizes on developing undergraduate students’ innovation ability. The QMES, which builds on the acknowledged expertise and experience of the two universities and their complementary research strengths in materials science, fully uses educational resource advantages and high-level international cooperation platforms of both universities to provide a high quality degree level education in the programme of Materials Science and Engineering (080401H). The programme draws on the academic expertise of both institutions and adopts an international teaching mode with curriculum system, teaching materials, and assessment methods from the UK. The mission of this programme is to develop qualified and innovative talents who can study and work transnationally with the knowledge of natural science, materials science and engineering, and social science. Students graduate with comprehensive qualities, high professional competencies, a global horizon, a life-long study ability, and recognition of international rules.
3.Aims of the programme
4.This programme aims to develop qualified and innovative talents who can study and work transnationally with the knowledge of natural science, materials science and engineering, and social science. Students graduate with comprehensive qualities, high professional competencies, a global horizon, a life-long study ability, and the recognition of international rules. Students who have completed their studies will be able to pursue higher degrees and research within universities in China and internationally or careers in the expanding materials science and manufacturing industry in world famous enterprises.
(1) Be equipped with solid basic knowledge and professional skills
Students should master basic principles in materials science and engineering, experimental and computing methods in the field of engineering and materials science, and knowledge of material design and making, material forming and shaping, product design, and application development. Students should be equipped with the ability to research and analyse the structure, the properties and the performance of metallic materials, inorganic nonmetallic materials, composite materials, and advanced materials. Students are able to solve technical problems in their professional field.
(2) Be equipped with international competitiveness
Students become highly proficient in English language: reading English materials and books in materials science, writing academic essays in English, and conducting technical presentations in English. The programme develops students’ global horizon and the recognition of international rules via the British teaching mode and overseas internship programme. Students can obtain, use and manage various information to conduct cross-cultural communication and cooperation with innovative abilities and international competitiveness. Students can recognize Chinese characteristics and international comparisons correctly, as well as comprehend modern China and the world objectively and comprehensively.
(3) Be equipped with the ability of life-long study
Students should promote and practice Socialist Core Values, recognize the responsibility of times and mission of history, and to understand ambition and dedication correctly. Students should have a strong sense of social responsibility, a healthy mental and moral state, the ability of leading and working in teams, and outstanding communicative and practical skills. Equipped with good presentation skills and writing abilities, students can communicate effectively with their peers and the public about complex engineering and scientific problems. The cultivation of consciousness of engineering ethics, and the concept of working for the wellbeing of the human beings and sustainable development can help students to adapt to dynamic changes, and master the cutting-edge knowledge and new trends in the field of materials science so as to constantly improve students’ abilities.
5.Ideological education
6.Implement the fundamental task of establishing virtues and educating people, use the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to shape the soul and educate people, and strive to cultivate students' spirit of patriotism. By making full use of the wide application and strong practical characteristics of materials science and engineering, bridge the course knowledge to national major projects and personage deed through in-class and extracurricular diversified teaching methods, as well as new media carriers to strengthen the guidance of value and foster the ideological and political education through the whole process of teaching. It is necessary to not only make the teaching vivid, but also to make the process of ideological and political moral education concrete so as to convince people with reasonable facts. Guide students to establish socialist core values and patriotism while teaching them solid professional knowledge in order to improve students' ideological and moral sentiments and enhance their sense of social responsibility and mission to serve the country and the people.
7.Graduation Requirements (Core Abilities of Students)
1.Engineering knowledge:Knowledge of a broad-range of topics in materials science including: engineering materials, structure and properties of materials, processing and applications and understanding of materials to a molecular level; Knowledge to an advanced level in more specialised areas of materials science including: surfaces and interfaces, chemistry for materials, polymers, ceramics, renewable energy materials and sustainability.
2.Problem analysis:Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model complex problems, recognising the limitations of the techniques employed ; Select and evaluate technical literature and other sources of information to address complex problems
3. Design/solve problem:Design solutions for complex problems that meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This will involve consideration of applicable health & safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards; Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of complex problems
4. Research:Capacity for independent learning, and to work independently; Retrieve, filter and collate materials data from a variety of information sources
5. Use modern tool/software:Use a wide range of laboratory, testing and analytical equipment; Competent in the use of computer-based technology, and in the manipulation and analysis of quantitative data
6. Engineer and society:Adopt an inclusive approach to engineering practice and recognise the responsibilities, benefits and importance of supporting equality, diversity and inclusion
7. Environment and sustainable development:Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems and minimise adverse impacts
8. Professional conduct:relevant legal matters including intellectual property rights; Conduct practical work efficiently; fully aware of laboratory safety standards and operation procedures and conduct with due regard for safety
9. Individual and team work:Capacity for independent learning, and to work independently ;Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team
10. Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering matters with technical and non-technical audiences
11. Project management:Use a risk management process to identify, evaluate and mitigate risks (the effects of uncertainty) associated with a particular project or activity
12. Life-long learning:Plan and record self-learning and development as the foundation for lifelong learning
8.Qualification and Degree Certificate
9.Official length of the programme: 4+0 years’ study in accordance with the credit management system.
Qualification and certificate: Successful students of the programme will be awarded diploma by NPU, BEng degree by NPU, and BEng degree by QMUL.
10.Credits and Hours
11.Total credits:173.0+Xcredits
Type of module |
Credits |
General education modules |
≥71.0 |
Technical discipline modules |
102.0 |
Total credits |
173.0 |
Personality Development Modules |
X |
Extension practices |
12.Curriculum Structure and Credits
13.(General education modules and technical discipline modules: 173.0 credits;Personality Development Modules and extension practices : X credits)
1). General education modules ≥71.0 credits
(1) Ideological and political theory modules ≥18.0 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
U13G11007 |
Chinese compulsory courses II-Marxism General Principle |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
U44G11004 |
Chinese compulsory courses IV-Fundamental of Mao Ze Dong Thoughts |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
U44G11001 |
Chinese compulsory courses I-Essentials of Chinese Modern History |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
U13G11012 |
Chinese compulsory courses III-Ethics and Fundamental of Law |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
U44G11013 |
Situation and Policy(1) |
0.5 |
Compulsory |
U44G11014 |
Situation and Policy(2) |
0.5 |
Compulsory |
U44G11015 |
Situation and Policy(3) |
0.5 |
Compulsory |
U44G11016 |
Situation and Policy(4) |
0.5 |
Compulsory |
U44G11009 |
Outline of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New era |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
U44G11003 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
1.0 |
Elective compulsory |
U44G11012 |
History of the People's Republic of China |
1.0 |
U44G11005 |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
1.0 |
U44G11011 |
History of the Development of Socialism |
1.0 |
Students much take all compulsory modules listed in the above, in total 17 credits. Situation and Policy (1)(2)(3)(4) four modules must be taken in 4 academic years (Semester 1 to Semester 7) respectively with 8 hours (0.5 credit) in each year, in total 32 hours (2 credits). Students must choose to study at least one module from the modules "History of the Communist Party of China", "History of the People's Republic of China", "History of Reform and Opening Up" and "History of the Development of Socialism", and take at least 1 credit.
(2) Military modules 4.0 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
U34G11005 |
Military Theory |
2.0 |
Compulsory |
U34P41002 |
Military Training |
2.0 |
Compulsory |
(3) Sports and Mental health modules 6.0 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
U34G11004 |
Students Mental Health Education |
2.0 |
Compulsory |
For specific programme courses, see the current semester courses offered by the Physical Education Department |
4.0 |
Elective compulsory |
…… |
…… |
…… |
…… |
Physical Education is compulsory module in the first to the fourth semester, taking 1 credit every semester. Students can freely choose different modules according to their majors, physical conditions, interests and physical basis. Students must meet the421Xstandard of school physical education qualification upon graduation, that is, complete 4 credits;students should be proficient in 2 sports skills and obtain a skill certificate (one of which is swimming); during the undergraduate period, students can study physical quality development module according to their personal interests and obtainXcredits.
(4) Aesthetics and Art modules 4.0 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Note |
Category |
U30G11001 |
College aesthetic education |
2.0 |
Compulsory module |
U30G11002 |
Art appreciation |
2.0 |
Art history modules |
Elective compulsory |
U30G12001 |
The Path of Chinese Aesthetics(Eng) |
2.0 |
U30G11020 |
Appreciation Course of Classical Poetry and Music |
2.0 |
Music modules |
U30G11007 |
Appreciation of Drama |
2.0 |
Drama modules |
U30G11008 |
Appreciation of Chinese Opera |
2.0 |
U30G11022 |
Beijing opera |
2.0 |
U30G11016 |
The beauty of Chinese literature and art |
2.0 |
Literature modules |
U30G11005 |
Film and Television Appreciation |
2.0 |
Film and television modules |
U30G11018 |
Video China-Documentary and Cross-cultural Communication |
2.0 |
U30G11021 |
Mural Art Workshop |
2.0 |
Art modules |
see the current semester courses |
Dance modules |
see the current semester courses |
Art design modules |
All students should take the compulsory course—college aesthetic education (2 credits) and at least 2 credits in the other eight elective compulsory courses designated by the Ministry of Education.
(5) Language modules 9.0 credits
Module code |
Module name |
Credit |
Category |
QXU3103 |
English for Science and Engineering |
3.5 |
compulsory |
QXU3104 |
Communication in Science and Engineering |
5.5 |
compulsory |
(6) Mathematics and Natural Science 23.0 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
NXC3000 |
Advanced Math1 |
5.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC3004 |
Advanced Math2 |
5.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC3002 |
Linear Algebra |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
NXC3005 |
Mathematical Modelling and Computing |
4.0 |
Compulsory |
NXC3001 |
General Physics |
5.0 |
Compulsory |
(7)National Security Education 1.0 credit
National security education is a compulsory public fundamental course with the requirements of attending no less than 1 credit (2 hours) in one academic year. The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
(8) Other modules (choose modules from the following categories) ≥6.0 credit
A. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
B. Civilization and Classics
C. Management and Leadership
D. Global Vision
E. Ethics and Sustainable Development
F. Writing and Communication
Note: Students can choose modules from one or more categories listed above and should take at less 6 credits. The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
2). Technicaldiscipline Modules102.0 credits
(1)Discipline Elementary Modules3.5 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
NXC4012 |
Mechanical Modelling |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
(2) Discipline core modules 85.5 credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
QXU3112 |
Academic and Professional Engineering Skills |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4112 |
Developing Professional Engineering Skills |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU5112 |
Business and Professional Skills in Engineering |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4000 |
Materials Science 1-structure and properties |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4006 |
Materials Science 2-processing and applications |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4004 |
Engineering Chemistry |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4016 |
Engineering Design Methods |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4015 |
Engineering Materials |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4007 |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU5017 |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC4022 |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU4002 |
Chemistry for Materials |
4.0 |
Compulsory |
QXU5010 |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC5015 |
Structural Characterisation |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC5026 |
Metals I-Deformation and Strengthening |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU5030 |
Composite Materials |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU5032 |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
4.0 |
Compulsory |
NXC5036 |
Metals II-Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU6004 |
Materials Selection in Engineering Design |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU6008 |
Materials and Sustainability |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
QXU6032 |
Advanced Ceramic and Glass Materials |
3.5 |
Compulsory |
NXC6029 |
Fracture, Fatigue and Creep |
4.0 |
Compulsory |
NXC6025 |
Manufacturing Processes |
4.0 |
Compulsory |
QXU6027 |
Renewable Energy Technology |
3.0 |
Compulsory |
(3)Comprehensive Practice3.0 credit
Students can participate in a variety forms of scientific research training including innovation and entrepreneurship programme and experiment, academic competition, “Peak Experience Programme”, and scientific research project. Students are also encouraged to participate in a variety forms of practice such as overseas practice, international internship, winter and summer schools. Education on labour replies on industrial practice (10 hours) and summer school (6 hours).
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
NXC0001 |
Scientific Research |
1.0 |
Compulsory |
NXC0002 |
Production Practice |
2.0 |
Compulsory |
(4) Final project/Thesis for Graduation 10.0 Credits
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
QXU6030 |
Materials Project |
10.0 |
Compulsory |
This project/thesis also supports education on labour with 16 hours to guide students to develop their labor habits and correct labor values.
3). Personality Development Modules (6.0 credits, at least 4 modules)
Students are encouraged to choose the modules taught in English and from the following categories based on their own development and interests.
(1) Comprehensive Literary Module
It is suggested that students should choose the modules taught in English from the following four categories.The module list in each semester will be published by the University.
A. Scientific literacy modules:subjects on natural science such as introduction to aeronautics, astronautics and navigation, environment, biology, etc. “Computing” module is compulsory.
B. Modules on economics, management and law:including economy, management, legal education, etc.
C. Humanities modules:including philosophy, ethics, history, culture, language, literature, society, aesthetics, life and development, etc.
D. Art literacy modules:“The Presentation of the Art of Peking Opera” is compulsory.
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
NXC1001 |
The Presentation of the Art of Peking Opera |
1.0 |
Elective |
NXC1004 |
Fundamentals of Computer |
1.0 |
Elective |
NXC1005 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1006 |
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1007 |
Physical Chemistry |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1008 |
History of Western Philosophy |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1010 |
Scientific English Literature Writing |
1.5 |
Elective |
NXC1011 |
Engineering Literacy-Basic Engineering Practice |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1012 |
Engineering Literacy—Teaching and Innovative Practice of Intelligent Robot System |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1013 |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1014 |
Instrumental Analysis |
2.0 |
Elective |
NXC1015 |
Materials Design and optimization in AI era |
2.0 |
Elective |
Assembly based on Industrial Robot and its Simulation by DELMIA software |
2.0 |
Elective |
Laser cutting technology based on Chinese paper-cutting culture |
2.0 |
Elective |
Classic Civilization, Ingenuity—Mechanical and Electrical Creative Design and Production based on the Intangible Heritage Silk Cloisonne Technique |
2.0 |
Elective |
CNC multi Axis Precision Milling Innovation |
2.0 |
Elective |
Movable type printing based on Intelligent Manufacturing |
2.0 |
Elective |
Manufacturing and flight of small UAV |
2.0 |
Elective |
Mobile communication device architecture and technology |
2.0 |
Elective |
Hardness Measurement based on Heat Treatment Technology and Ultrasonic Inspection of weld |
1.0 |
Elective |
The Production and Sintering of Ceramics |
1.0 |
Elective |
Metal welding Process and Practice |
1.0 |
Elective |
(2)Discipline Extension Module
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
Category |
UQML11006 |
Biochemistry |
2.0 |
Elective |
UQML11005 |
Analytical Chemistry |
2.0 |
Elective |
It includes all modules set up by other Schools and major categories.
(3) Minor/Double Degree Module
It is recommended to take courses from the education plans of other major categories or professional minor training programmes issued by the University, and take credits required for minor / double degree majors in accordance with relevant regulations of the University.
(4) Advanced Academic Module
It includes general courses offered by the University and postgraduate courses. Credits beyond the ones required by the education plan of the programme can be included in this category.
4). Extension Practices
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published.
14.The Support matrix of curriculum system, aims of programme and graduation requirements
General Education Modules
Module Category |
Module Name |
Aims of Programme |
Graduation Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Ideological and Political Theory Module |
Essentials of Chinese Modern History |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Marxism General Principle |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Ethics and Fundamental of Law |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Situation and Policy (1-4) |
√ |
√ |
√ |
outline of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era |
√ |
√ |
√ |
History of the Communist Party of China |
√ |
√ |
√ |
History of the People's Republic of China |
√ |
√ |
√ |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
√ |
√ |
√ |
History of the Development of Socialism |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Military Module |
Military Theory |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Military Training |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Sports and Mental Health Module |
Students Mental Health Education |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Physical Quality Development |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Aesthetics and Art Module |
College aesthetics Education |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Limited art Elective |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Language Module |
English for Science and Engineering&Communication in Science and Engineering |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Mathematics and Natural |
Advanced Math1 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Advanced Math2 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Linear Algebra |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Mathematical Modelling and Computing |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
General Physics |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
National Security Education |
See courses offered in the current semester. |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Civilization and Classics |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Management and Leadership |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Global Vision |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Writing and Communication |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Technical discipline Modules
Module Category |
Module Name |
Aims of Programme |
Graduation Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Discipline Elementary Module |
Engineering Mechanics |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Discipline Core Module |
Academic and Professional Engineering Skills |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Developing Professional Engineering Skills |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Business and Professional Skills in Engineering |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Materials Science 1 Structure and Properties |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Materials Science 2 Processing and Applications |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Engineering Chemistry |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Engineering Design Methods |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Chemistry for Materials |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Structural Characterisation |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Metals I-Deformation and Strengthening |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Composite Materials |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Metals II-Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Materials Selection in Engineering Design |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Materials and Sustainability |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Advanced Ceramic and Glass Materials |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Fracture, Fatigue and Creep |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Manufacturing Processes |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Renewable Energy Technology |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Comprehensive Practice |
Scientific Research Training |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Production Practice |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Final project/ Thesis for Graduation |
Materials Project |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Personality Development Modules
Module Category |
Module Name |
Aims of Programme |
Graduation Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Comprehensive Literacy Module |
Each module offered in each semester will be included in the course selection manual. |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Discipline Extension Module |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Minor/Double Degree Module |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Advanced Academic Module |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Extension practices
Module Category |
Module Name |
Aims of Programme |
Graduation Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Ideological Education Activities |
Each module offered in each semester will be included in the course selection manual. |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Public Benefit Activities |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activities |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Recreational Activities |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Social Practice Activities |
√ |
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√ |
√ |
15.Instructive Teaching Plan
The Instructive Teaching Plan of Materials Science and Engineering for Undergraduates of Grade 2022
Year 1 Autumn Semester (credits≥31.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory modules |
U13G11012 |
Ethics and Fundamental of Law |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 1 Autumn Semester. |
U44G11013 |
Situation and Policy(1) |
Compulsory |
0.5 |
8 |
U44G11003 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. At least choose one. Suggest to complete this 1 credit in Year 1 or Year 2. |
U44G11012 |
History of the People's Republic of China |
U44G11005 |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
U44G11011 |
History of the Development of Socialism |
Military modules |
U34G11005 |
Military Theory |
Compulsory |
2.0 |
32 |
U34P41002 |
Military Theory |
Compulsory |
2.0 |
120 |
Sports and Mental health modules |
U34G11004 |
Students Mental Health Education |
Compulsory |
2.0 |
32 |
See the list published in the current semester |
Physical Education |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
32 |
1.It includes in-class 36 hours and off-class 4 hours. 2.In-class 36 hours includes 32 specific PE classes and 4 theory hours. 3.Off-class4hours includes physique test. 4.Long run (3.2 km (male)/2.4 km(female) twice a week,32 times per semester |
Language modules |
QXU3103 |
English for Science and Engineering |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Mathematics and Natural Science |
NXC3000 |
Advanced Mathematics 1 |
Compulsory |
5.5 |
88 |
NXC3001 |
General Physics |
Compulsory |
5.0 |
82 |
NXC3002 |
Linear Algebra |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Security education |
See the list published in the current semester |
National security education |
Compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
National security education is a compulsory public fundamental course with the requirements of attending no less than 1 credit (2 hours) in one academic year. |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU3112 |
Academic and Professional Engineering Skills |
Compulsory |
1.5 /3.5 |
24 /56 |
Year-long module |
Total hours/ credits |
≥602/31.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 1 Spring Semester(≥33.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory modules |
U44G11001 |
Essentials of Chinese Modern History |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 1 Spring Semester. |
U44G11003 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. At least choose one. Suggest to complete this 1 credit in Year 1 or Year 2. |
U44G11012 |
History of the People's Republic of China |
U44G11005 |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
U44G11011 |
History of the Development of Socialism |
Sports and Mental health modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Physical Education |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
32 |
1.It includes in-class 36 hours and off-class 4 hours. 2.In-class 36 hours includes 32 specific PE classes and 4 theory hours. 3.Off-class 4 hours includes physique test. 4.Long run (3.2 km (male)/2.4 km(female) twice a week, 32 times per semester. |
Aesthetics and Art modules |
U30G11001 |
College Aesthetic Education |
Compulsory |
2.0 |
32 |
They are limited elective courses including “College aesthetic education” and art literacy modules, for a total of 4 credits; among them, "College aesthetic education" is a compulsory course (2 credits); all students should take at least 2 credits in the eight art limited elective courses designated by the Ministry of Education. |
See the list published in the current semester |
Eight elective courses designated by the Ministry of Education. |
Elective compulsory |
2.0 |
32 |
Language modules |
QXU3104 |
Communication in Science and Engineering |
Compulsory |
5.5 |
88 |
Mathematics and Natural Science |
NXC3004 |
Advanced Mathematics 2 |
Compulsory |
5.5 |
88 |
NXC3005 |
Mathematical Modelling and Computing |
Compulsory |
4.0 |
64 |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU3112 |
Academic and Professional Engineering Skills |
Compulsory |
2.0 /3.5 |
32 /56 |
Year-long module |
QXU4015 |
Engineering Materials |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4004 |
Engineering Chemistry |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Total hours/ credits |
≥544/33.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 2 Autumn Semester(≥21.5) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory |
U13G11007 |
Marxism General Principle |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to completeMarxism General Principlein Year 2 Autumn Semesterand complete Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsin Year 3. |
U44G11014 |
Situation and Policy(2) |
Compulsory |
0.5 |
8 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 2 Autumn Semester. |
U44G11003 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. At least choose one. Suggest to complete this 1 credit in Year 1 or Year 2. |
U44G11012 |
History of the People's Republic of China |
U44G11005 |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
U44G11011 |
History of the Development of Socialism |
Sports and Mental health modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Physical Education |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
32 |
1.It includes in-class 36 hours and off-class 4 hours. 2.In-class 36 hours includes 32 specific PE classes and 4 theory hours. 3.Off-class 4 hours includes physique test. 4.Long run (3.2 km (male)/2.4 km(female) twice a week, 32 times per semester. |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU4016 |
Engineering Design Methods |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4112 |
Developing Professional Engineering Skills |
Compulsory |
1.5 /3.5 |
24 /56 |
Year-long module |
QXU4000 |
Materials Science 1 Structure and Properties |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU4002 |
Chemistry for Materials |
Compulsory |
4.0 |
64 |
QXU4007 |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Total hours/ credits |
≥360/21.5 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 2 Spring Semester(≥21.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory |
U44G11009 |
Outline of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 2 Spring Semester. |
U44G11003 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. At least choose one. Suggest to complete this 1 credit in Year 1 or Year 2. |
U44G11012 |
History of the People's Republic of China |
U44G11005 |
History of Reform and Opening Up |
U44G11011 |
History of the Development of Socialism |
Sports and Mental health modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Physical Education |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
32 |
1.It includes in-class 36 hours and off-class 4 hours. 2.In-class 36 hours includes 32 specific PE classes and 4 theory hours. 3.Off-class 4 hours includes physique test. 4.Long run (3.2 km (male)/2.4 km(female) twice a week, 32 times per semester. |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline elementary modules(including lab session technical project) |
NXC4012 |
Mechanical Modelling |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU4112 |
Developing Professional Engineering Skills |
Compulsory |
2.0/3.5 |
32/56 |
Year-long module |
QXU4006 |
Materials Science 2 Processing and Applications |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC4022 |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU5017 |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Total hours/ credits |
≥352/21.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 3 Autumn Semester(≥17.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory modules |
U44G11004 |
Outline of Mao Zedong's thought of Chinese modern and contemporary history and the theoretical system |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to completeMarxism General Principlein Year 2 Autumn Semesterand complete Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsin Year 3. |
U44G11015 |
Situation and Policy(3) |
Compulsory |
0.5 |
8 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 3 Autumn Semester. |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU5112 |
Business and Professional Skills in Engineering |
Compulsory |
1.5/3.5 |
24/56 |
Year-long module |
QXU5010 |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC5026 |
Metals I-Deformation and Strengthening |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU5032 |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
Compulsory |
4.0 |
64 |
NXC5015 |
Structural Characterisation |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Total hours/ credits |
≥328/20.5 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 3 Spring Semester(≥17.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU5112 |
Business and Professional Skills in Engineering |
Compulsory |
2.0/3.5 |
32/56 |
Year-long module |
QXU5030 |
Composite Materials |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC5036 |
Metals II-Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU6008 |
Materials and Sustainability |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
QXU6032 |
Advanced Ceramic and Glass Materials |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
Total hours/ credits |
≥272/17.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 4 Autumn Semester(≥19.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
General Education |
Ideological and political theory modules |
U44G11016 |
Situation and Policy(4) |
Compulsory |
0.5 |
8 |
Open in autumn and spring semesters. Suggest to complete in Year 4 Autumn Semester. |
Technical discipline modules |
See the list published in the current semester |
Elective compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Suggest to take 1 credit from these categories in this semester and gain 6 credits before graduate. |
Civilization and Classics |
Management and Leadership |
Global Vision |
Ethics and Sustainable Development |
Writing and Communication |
Technical discipline modules |
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU6004 |
Materials Selection in Engineering Design |
Compulsory |
3.5 |
56 |
NXC6029 |
Fracture, Fatigue and Creep |
Compulsory |
4.0 |
64 |
NXC6025 |
Manufacturing Processes |
Compulsory |
4.0 |
64 |
Comprehensive Practice (including innovation and entrepreneurship) |
NXC0001 |
Scientific Research |
Compulsory |
1.0 |
16 |
Scientific research training needs affirmation. Knowledge practice and industrial practice can’t be affirmed as Scientific research training. |
Final project Design/Thesis for Graduation |
QXU6030 |
Materials Project |
Compulsory |
5.0/10.0 |
80/160 |
Year-long module |
Total hours/ credits |
≥304/19.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Year 4 Spring Semester(≥8.0) |
Module |
Module Category |
Module Code |
Module Name |
Category |
Credit |
Hour |
Note |
Technical discipline modules
Discipline core modules(including lab session technical project) |
QXU6027 |
Renewable Energy Technology |
Compulsory |
3.0 |
48 |
Final project Design/Thesis for Graduation |
QXU6030 |
Materials Project |
Compulsory |
5.0/10.0 |
80/160 |
Year-long module |
Total credits |
≥128/8.0 |
Personality Development Modules (elective) |
Students are encouraged to choose the modules based on their own development and interests from comprehensive modules, extension modules, minor programme/double degree programme. Complete 6 credits before graduation. Students are suggested to choose the modules taught in English from NPU and QMES elective module list published in the semester. “Computing” is compulsory in Year 1 Autumn semester. |
Extension practices |
To encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities linked with ideological education activities, public benefit activities, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, recreational activities, social practice activities. The activities list will be published. |
Total hours/total credits: 2922+X/173.0+X (minimum 3018/179.0) |
Reference: Code QX courses are taught by QMUL. Code NX courses are taught by NPU. Code U courses are Chinese Compulsory Courses, Mental Health, Military Theory courses from MoE, as well as some elective courses. |