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时间:2018-04-24 浏览量: 作者:

继第一期课程后,第二期中国传统文化课--中国神话传说如约而至。4月18日,304am永利集团的执行副经理Andy,PDP老师Matt,以及三位英语老师Alan, Faith 和 Agne应邀加入到了此次课程中。志愿者团队准备了丰富的资料,制作了精美的讲义,从盘古和女蜗的传说开篇,到后羿和嫦娥、牛郎和织女的爱情故事,更重点介绍了西游记的来历和故事,以及许多中国神兽,最后并以生动的视频,向老师们展示了博大精深的中国文化。期间,老师们认真做着笔记,时不时提出感兴趣的问题,课后还对志愿者团队表示衷心感谢,整个课程充满了欢声笑语。


Following the first successful class, the second session-- Myths and Legends class was introduced to QMES teachers, Matt, Alan, Faith and Agne, as well as Executive Vice Dean Andy on the 18th of April. The Volunteer Team prepared plentiful materials and produced a professional presentation. They introduced all kinds of myths and legends from Pan Gu to Nv Wa, from Houyi and Chang’e to Niulang and Zhinv, and emphasized on the origin and stories of the Journey to the West, as well as Chinese mythical creatures and many vivid videos to explore the extensive and profound Chinese culture to the foreigners.

All the teachers took the class seriously by taking notes and raising the questions that they were interested in and in the end, they expressed the appreciation to the hard work of the volunteer team. The session was ended with lots of laughter and fun.

The success of this session not only introduced the beauty and plenty of Chinese traditional culture, but also kept encouraging the Volunteer Team to contribute to the next session.

撰稿:齐玥 周泽羽



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