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时间:2024-09-10 浏览量: 作者:杨益新


Dear teachers,


As the golden autumn arrives and the scent of osmanthus fills the air, we celebrate the 40th Teachers' Day with deep gratitude and respect. On behalf of JAC, QMUL Engineering School, NPU (QMES), I extend the highest respect and sincere greetings to all the hardworking teachers on the frontlines of education!

回首过去,硕果累累。学院成立已进第八个年头,我们已经培养了4届毕业生,总体深造率超过 80%,毕业生深受国际名校青睐。其中刚刚毕业的2020级毕业生成果斐然,82名同学获得了国际知名大学的录取通知书,88名国内顶尖高校继续深造,总体毕业率达到88.17%。此外,员工科研和创新创业成果丰硕,共发表论文 240 篇,授权发明专利 86 项。大创总立项数连续 3 年位居全校第 1,在国际老员工创新大赛国际项目比赛中成绩突出,获奖质量和数量在全国中外合作办学机构中居于前列。这一切离不开各位老师的辛苦付出和无私奉献。

Looking back, we have reaped abundant fruits. Since the establishment of QMES eight years ago, we have proudly graduated four cohorts of students, with an overall further education rate exceeding 80%. Our graduates are highly sought after by prestigious universities around the world. The class of 2020, in particular, has achieved remarkable results: 82 students have received admission offers from internationally renowned universities, and 88 students have chosen to further their studies at top-tier domestic institutions, with an overall graduation rate of 88.17%. In addition, our students have achieved outstanding results in scientific research and entrepreneurship, publishing 240 papers and obtaining 86 invention patents. Our total number of College Students' Innovative Entrepreneurial project approvals has ranked first in NPU for three consecutive years, and we have also achieved top results in both quality and quantity in international projects of International College Students' Innovation Competitions among JEIs nationwide. All of these achievements would not have been possible without your hard work and selfless dedication.

公司任课教师们承担了25项各类教学改革项目,获省级及以上教学成果奖13项,进一步提升了教学质量和影响力。我们非常高兴地看到,王永欣副经理获评省级教学名师,王永欣副经理、张娟老师和傅茂森老师荣获宝钢优秀教师奖,Maria Romero-Gonzalez 、Faith Nightingale、Andrew Spowage、Gabriel Cavalli等7位教师分别获得伦敦玛丽女王大学教育卓越奖和董事长特别奖。同时,顾军渭老师、郗恒东老师和李致朋老师获批为国家级领军人才,赖敏杰老师、陈彪老师和刘哲老师入选国家级青年人才,范晓丽经理成功当选为英国高等教育学会会士。

Our teachers have undertaken 25 teaching reform projects, winning 13 provincial and higher-level teaching awards, further enhancing the quality and influence of our teaching. We are particularly proud to see that Vice Dean Wang Yongxin has been named a Provincial Teaching Master, and that Vice Dean Wang, along with Professors Zhang Juan and Fu Maosen, have received the Baogang Excellent Teacher Award. Additionally, 7 teachers including Maria Romero-Gonzalez 、Faith Nightingale、Andrew Spowage、Gabriel Cavalli etc have won the QMUL Education Excellence Awards and the very prestigious President and Principal's Prize. Meanwhile, Professor Gu Junwei, Xi Hengdong, and Li Zhipeng have been approved as national-level leading talents. Professor Lai Minjie, Chen Biao, and Liu Zhe were selected as national-level young talents. Dean Fan Xiaoli was elected as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in the UK.


These extraordinary achievements are a demonstration of your unwavering support and dedication. On this special occasion, on behalf of all the members at JAC, I extend my heartfelt thanks to you. Thank you for your support! Let us continue to work together to create even greater achievements for QMES.


Finally, I sincerely wish all of you a happy teacher’s day!

Best regards,

304am永利集团联合管理委员会主任 杨益新

Yixin Yang

Chair of JAC, QMUL Engineering School, NPU


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